Marko Pahor
Marko Pahor
Faculty of Economics
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The strength of the employer brand: Influences and implications for recruiting.
V Franca, M Pahor
Journal of Marketing & Management 3 (1), 2012
A respecified Fama French three‐factor model for the new European union member states
J Foye, D Mramor, M Pahor
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 24 (1), 3-25, 2013
Intra-organizational learning networks within knowledge-intensive learning environments
M Škerlavaj, V Dimovski, A Mrvar, M Pahor
Interactive learning environments 18 (1), 39-63, 2010
Evidence for the network perspective on organizational learning
M Pahor, M Škerlavaj, V Dimovski
Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology 59 …, 2008
Influence of management attitudes on the implementation of employee participation
V Franca, M Pahor
Economic and Industrial Democracy 35 (1), 115-142, 2014
Splet kot medij in mediji na spletu
T Oblak, G Petrič, M Pahor, F Trček, S Splichal
Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2005
Are national cultures still important in international business? Russia, Serbia and Slovenia in comparison
J Prašnikar, M Pahor, J Vidmar Svetlik
Management: journal of contemporary management issues 13 (2 (Special issue …, 2008
Using a multilevel modelling approach to explain the influence of economic development on the subjective well-being of individuals
M Novak, M Pahor
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 30 (1), 705-720, 2017
Determinants of time on the market in a thin real estate market
A Cirman, M Pahor, M Verbic
Engineering Economics 26 (1), 4-11, 2015
Building a corporate network in a transition economy: The case of Slovenia
M Pahor, J Prašnikar, A Ferligoj
Post-communist economies 16 (3), 307-331, 2004
Analiza učinkov uvajanja družini prijaznega delovnega okolja
T Knaflič, A Svetina Nabergoj, M Pahor
Economic and business review 12 (5), 3, 2010
RFM-LIR feature framework for churn prediction in the mobile games market
A Perišić, M Pahor
IEEE transactions on games 14 (2), 126-137, 2021
Performance drivers in the casino industry: Evidence from Slovenia
AG Assaf, LK Cvelbar, M Pahor
International Journal of Hospitality Management 32, 149-154, 2013
Late payments in accession countries: Causes and international comparison
J Praésnikar, M Pahor, A Cirman
Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, JEF 9 (1), 51-69, 2004
Churn in the mobile gaming field: Establishing churn definitions and measuring classification similarities
A Perišić, DŠ Jung, M Pahor
Expert systems with applications 191, 116277, 2022
Extended RFM logit model for churn prediction in the mobile gaming market
A Perišić, M Pahor
Croatian operational research review, 249-261, 2020
Family-friendly workplace: An analysis of organizational effects in the transition economy
AS Nabergoj, M Pahor
Journal of East European Management Studies, 352-373, 2016
Oblikovanje modela merjenja uspešnosti poslovanja hotelskih podjetij
T Mihalič, L Knežević Cvelbar, M Pahor, S Slapničar, V Žabkar, ...
Ljubljana: Raziskovalni center, Inštitut za turizem Ekonomske fakultete …, 2009
Trendi zaposlovanja in ekonomskih migracij na slovenskem trgu dela
J Malačič, P Domadenik, M Pahor
Univerza v Ljubljani, Ekonomska fakulteta. Dostopno 6 (3), 2013, 2006
The influence of management turnover on enterprise performance and corporate governance: The case of Slovenia
L Knezevic, M Pahor
Economic and Business Review 6 (4), 297, 2004
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Articles 1–20