Professor Andrew Kehoe
Cited by
Cited by
WebCorp: an integrated system for web text search
A Renouf, A Kehoe, J Banerjee
Corpus linguistics and the web, 47-67, 2007
WebCorp: Applying the Web to linguistics and linguistics to the Web
A Kehoe, A Renouf
World Wide Web, 2002
The changing face of corpus linguistics
A Renouf, A Kehoe
Language and Computers 55 (1), 3-6, 2006
Social tagging: A new perspective on textual ‘aboutness’
A Kehoe, M Gee
Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 6 (5), 2011
“Oops, I didn’t mean to be so flippant”. A corpus pragmatic analysis of apologies in blog data
U Lutzky, A Kehoe
Journal of Pragmatics 116, 27-36, 2017
“I apologise for my poor blogging”: Searching for Apologies in the Birmingham Blog Corpus
U Lutzky, A Kehoe
Corpus Pragmatics 1 (1), 37-56, 2017
New corpora from the web: making web text more'text-like'
A Kehoe, M Gee
Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 2, 2007
Weaving web data into a diachronic corpus patchwork
A Kehoe, M Gee
Corpus Linguistics, 255-279, 2009
Diachronic linguistic analysis on the web with WebCorp
A Kehoe
The changing face of corpus linguistics, 297-307, 2006
Reader comments as an aboutness indicator in online texts: introducing the Birmingham Blog Corpus
A Kehoe, M Gee
Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 12, 121-163, 2012
Your blog is (the) shit A corpus linguistic approach to the identification of swearing in computer mediated communication
U Lutzky, A Kehoe
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 21 (2), 165-191, 2016
The WebCorp Search Engine: A holistic approach to web text search
A Renouf, A Kehoe, J Banerjee
Electronic Proceedings of CL2005, University of Birmingham, 2005
Corpus linguistics: refinements and reassessments
A Renouf, A Kehoe
Rodopi, 2009
Filling the gaps: Using the WebCorp Linguist’s Search Engine to supplement existing text resources
A Renouf, A Kehoe
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 18 (2), 167-198, 2013
The accidental corpus: Some issues in extracting linguistic information from the Web
A Renouf, A Kehoe, D Mezquiriz
Advances in Corpus Linguistics, 401-419, 2004
Linguistic research with the XML/RDF aware WebCorp tool
B Morley, A Renouf, A Kehoe
Poster Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference, WWW03, 2003
‘Friends don’t let friends go Brexiting without a mandate’: Changing discourses of Brexit in The Guardian
U Lutzky, A Kehoe
Discourses of Brexit, 104-120, 2019
eMargin: A collaborative textual annotation tool
A Kehoe, M Gee
Ariadne, 2013
Using corpus linguistics to study online data
U Lutzky, A Kehoe
Research methods for digital discourse analysis, 219-236, 2022
Corpus linguistics and the web
A Renouf, A Kehoe, J Banerjee, H Marianne, N Nadja, B Carolin
Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007
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Articles 1–20