Deng Pan
Cited by
Cited by
Total synthesis of a functional designer eukaryotic chromosome
N Annaluru, H Muller, LA Mitchell, S Ramalingam, G Stracquadanio, ...
science 344 (6179), 55-58, 2014
DGIdb 2.0: mining clinically relevant drug–gene interactions
AH Wagner, AC Coffman, BJ Ainscough, NC Spies, ZL Skidmore, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D1036-D1044, 2016
Plasmid-templated shape control of condensed DNA–block copolymer nanoparticles
X Jiang, W Qu, D Pan, Y Ren, JM Williford, H Cui, E Luijten, HQ Mao
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 25 (2), 227, 2012
Advances in the repair of segmental nerve injuries and trends in reconstruction
D Pan, SE Mackinnon, MD Wood
Muscle & nerve 61 (6), 726-739, 2020
Antidote for new oral anticoagulants: mechanism of action and binding specificity of PER977
B Laulicht, S Bakhru, X Jiang, L Chen, D Pan, M Grosso, Y Morishima, ...
J Thromb Haemost 11 (suppl 2), 1-84, 2013
Axonal growth arrests after an increased accumulation of Schwann cells expressing senescence markers and stromal cells in acellular nerve allografts
LH Poppler, X Ee, L Schellhardt, GM Hoben, D Pan, DA Hunter, Y Yan, ...
Tissue Engineering Part A 22 (13-14), 949-961, 2016
Charge density and molecular weight of polyphosphoramidate gene carrier are key parameters influencing its DNA compaction ability and transfection efficiency
Y Ren, X Jiang, D Pan, HQ Mao
Biomacromolecules 11 (12), 3432-3439, 2010
The accumulation of T cells within acellular nerve allografts is length-dependent and critical for nerve regeneration
D Pan, DA Hunter, L Schellhardt, S Jo, KB Santosa, EL Larson, AG Fuchs, ...
Experimental neurology 318, 216-231, 2019
Quantifying the effect of diabetes on surgical hand and forearm infections
K Sharma, D Pan, J Friedman, LY Jenny, A Mull, AM Moore
The journal of hand surgery 43 (2), 105-114, 2018
Macrophage-derived vascular endothelial growth factor-A is integral to neuromuscular junction reinnervation after nerve injury
CY Lu, KB Santosa, A Jablonka-Shariff, B Vannucci, A Fuchs, I Turnbull, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (50), 9602-9616, 2020
PER977: a synthetic small molecule which reverses over-dosage and bleeding by the new oral anticoagulants
S Bakhru, B Laulicht, X Jiang, L Chen, D Pan, M Grosso, Y Morishima, ...
Circulation 128 (suppl_22), A18809-A18809, 2013
The CCL2/CCR2 axis is critical to recruiting macrophages into acellular nerve allograft bridging a nerve gap to promote angiogenesis and regeneration
D Pan, JA Acevedo-Cintrón, J Sayanagi, AK Snyder-Warwick, ...
Experimental neurology 331, 113363, 2020
Direct interrogation of DNA content distribution in nanoparticles by a novel microfluidics-based single-particle analysis
CW Beh, D Pan, J Lee, X Jiang, KJ Liu, HQ Mao, TH Wang
Nano letters 14 (8), 4729-4735, 2014
IL-4 expressing cells are recruited to nerve after injury and promote regeneration
D Pan, L Schellhardt, JA Acevedo-Cintron, D Hunter, AK Snyder-Warwick, ...
Experimental neurology 347, 113909, 2022
The effects of intraoperative electrical stimulation on regeneration and recovery after nerve isograft repair in a rat model
GC Keane, D Pan, J Roh, EL Larson, L Schellhardt, DA Hunter, ...
Hand 17 (3), 540-548, 2022
Comparing electrical stimulation and tacrolimus (FK506) to enhance treating nerve injuries
S Jo, D Pan, AE Halevi, J Roh, L Schellhardt, DA Hunter RA, ...
Muscle & nerve 60 (5), 629-636, 2019
Brief electrical stimulation accelerates axon regeneration and promotes recovery following nerve transection and repair in mice
J Sayanagi, JA Acevedo-Cintrón, D Pan, L Schellhardt, DA Hunter, ...
JBJS 103 (20), e80, 2021
T cells modulate IL-4 expression by eosinophil recruitment within decellularized scaffolds to repair nerve defects
D Pan, DA Hunter, L Schellhardt, A Fuchs, AE Halevi, AK Snyder-Warwick, ...
Acta biomaterialia 112, 149-163, 2020
Development and validation of a prognostic, risk-adjusted scoring system for operative upper-extremity infections
K Sharma, A Mull, J Friedman, D Pan, L Poppler, IK Fox, LS Levin, ...
The Journal of Hand Surgery 45 (1), 9-19, 2020
Design-based stereology and binary image histomorphometry in nerve assessment
DA Hunter, D Pan, MD Wood, AK Snyder-Warwick, AM Moore, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 336, 108635, 2020
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Articles 1–20