Tauno Metsalu
Cited by
Cited by
ClustVis: a web tool for visualizing clustering of multivariate data using Principal Component Analysis and heatmap
T Metsalu, J Vilo
Nucleic acids research 43 (W1), W566-W570, 2015
MethSurv: a web tool to perform multivariable survival analysis using DNA methylation data
V Modhukur, T Iljasenko, T Metsalu, K Lokk, T Laisk-Podar, J Vilo
Epigenomics 10 (3), 277-288, 2018
A preclinical model for ERα-positive breast cancer points to the epithelial microenvironment as determinant of luminal phenotype and hormone response
G Sflomos, V Dormoy, T Metsalu, R Jeitziner, L Battista, V Scabia, ...
Cancer cell 29 (3), 407-422, 2016
Mechanisms of IFN-γ–induced apoptosis of human skin keratinocytes in patients with atopic dermatitis
A Rebane, M Zimmermann, A Aab, H Baurecht, A Koreck, M Karelson, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 129 (5), 1297-1306, 2012
Capturing complex tumour biology in vitro: histological and molecular characterisation of precision cut slices
EJ Davies, M Dong, M Gutekunst, K Närhi, HJAA Van Zoggel, S Blom, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17187, 2015
Using RNA sequencing for identifying gene imprinting and random monoallelic expression in human placenta
T Metsalu, T Viltrop, A Tiirats, B Rajashekar, E Reimann, S Kõks, K Rull, ...
Epigenetics 9 (10), 1397-1409, 2014
High-throughput sequencing approach uncovers the miRNome of peritoneal endometriotic lesions and adjacent healthy tissues
M Saare, K Rekker, T Laisk-Podar, D Sõritsa, AM Roost, J Simm, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e112630, 2014
Perfusion air culture of precision-cut tumor slices: an ex vivo system to evaluate individual drug response under controlled culture conditions
M Dong, K Böpple, J Thiel, B Winkler, C Liang, J Schueler, EJ Davies, ...
Cells 12 (5), 807, 2023
Statistical analysis of multivariate data in bioinformatics
T Metsalu
Tartu, 2016
A preclinical model using perfusion air culture of tumor tissue slices for personalized medicine
M Dong, K Böpple, B Winkler, M Kleih, J Schüler, E Davies, T Metsalu, ...
Cancer Research 80 (16_Supplement), 5085-5085, 2020
Visualization techniques in bioinformatics
T Metsalu
Systems pathology for characterization of cancer model systems in a multicenter IMI-PREDECT project
S Blom, Y Wang, T Metsalu, T Vesterinen, T Pellinen, A Grote, N Linder, ...
Cancer Research 75 (15_Supplement), 1698-1698, 2015
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Articles 1–12