Patrick Alan Danaher
Cited by
Cited by
CHE principles: Facilitating authentic and dialogical semi-structured interviews in educational research
A Brown, PA Danaher
International journal of research & method in education 42 (1), 76-90, 2019
Early career teachers' intentions to leave the profession: The complex relationships among preservice education, early career support, and job satisfaction
N Kelly, M Cespedes, M Clarą, PA Danaher
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 44 (3), 93-113, 2019
Transforming the practice of mobile learning: promoting pedagogical innovation through educational principles and strategies that work
P Danaher
Innovative mobile learning: Techniques and technologies, 21-46, 2009
The student departure puzzle: do some faculties and programs have answers?
PA Danaher, D Bowser, J Somasundaram
Higher Education Research & Development 27 (3), 271-280, 2008
Mobile learning communities: Creating new educational futures
PA Danaher, B Moriarty, G Danaher
Routledge, 2009
Teaching Traveller children: Maximising learning outcomes
PA Danaher, P Coombes, C Kiddle
Trentham Books, 2007
Beyond the ferris wheel: Educating Queensland show children
PA Danaher
Central Queensland University Press, 1998
Situating and interrogating contemporary Australian rural education research
B Moriarty, PA Danaher, G Danaher
Journal of Research in Rural Education 18 (3), 133-138, 2003
Towards collaborative professional learning in the first year early childhood teacher education practicum: Issues in negotiating the multiple interests of stakeholder feedback
A Brown, P Danaher
Asia‐Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 36 (2), 147-161, 2008
Researching education with marginalized communities
M Danaher, J Cook, P Coombes
Springer, 2013
Learning on the run: Traveller education for itinerant show children in coastal and western Queensland
P Danaher
CQUniversity, 2001
Teacher education through open and distance learning
PA Danaher, A Umar
Commonwealth of Learning, 2010
The teacher educator as (re) negotiated professional: Critical incidents in steering between state and market in Australia
PA Danaher, T Gale, T Erben
Journal of Education for Teaching 26 (1), 55-71, 2000
Can massive communities of teachers facilitate collaborative reflection? Fractal design as a possible answer
M Clarą, N Kelly, T Mauri, PA Danaher
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 45 (1), 86-98, 2017
The role of participants in education research: ethics, epistemologies, and methods
W Midgley, PA Danaher, M Baguley
Routledge, 2013
Traveller, nomadic and migrant education
PA Danaher, M Kenny, JR Leder
Routledge, 2009
Challenging enterprises and subcultures: Interrogating'best practice'in Central Queensland University's course management systems
JA Luck, D Jones, J McConachie, P Danaher
CQUniversity, 2004
Central Queensland University's course management systems: accelerator or brake in engaging change?
J McConachie, PA Danaher, J Luck, D Jones
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 6 (1), 1-17, 2005
Improving distance education for university students: issues and experiences of students in cities and rural areas
K Purnell, E Cuskelly, P Danaher
Journal of distance education 11, 75-102, 1996
Producing pleasure in the contemporary university
S Riddle, MK Harmes, PA Danaher
SensePublishers, 2017
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Articles 1–20