Automatic vigilance: The attention grabbing power of approach and avoidance related social information D Wentura, K Rothermund, P Bak Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78, 1024-1037, 2000 | 661 | 2000 |
Underlying processes in the implicit association test: dissociating salience from associations. K Rothermund, D Wentura Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 133 (2), 139, 2004 | 650 | 2004 |
Wissenschaftliche Beobachtung: Eine Einführung W Greve, D Wentura Beltz, 1997 | 522* | 1997 |
Adaptive resources of the aging self: Outlines of an emergent perspective J Brandtstadter, D Wentura, W Greve International Journal of Behavioral Development 16 (2), 323-349, 1993 | 375 | 1993 |
About the impact of automaticity in the Minimal Group Paradigm: Evidence from affective priming tasks S Otten, D Wentura European Journal of Social Psychology 29 (8), 1049-1071, 1999 | 360 | 1999 |
Activation and inhibition of affective information: Evidence for negative priming in the evaluation task D Wentura Cognition & Emotion 13 (1), 65-91, 1999 | 350 | 1999 |
Retrieval of incidental stimulus-response associations as a source of negative priming. K Rothermund, D Wentura, J De Houwer Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 31 (3), 482, 2005 | 287 | 2005 |
A practical guide to sequential priming and related tasks D Wentura, J Degner Handbook of implicit social cognition: Measurement, theory, and applications …, 2010 | 286 | 2010 |
Counter-regulation in affective attentional biases: a basic mechanism that warrants flexibility in emotion and motivation. K Rothermund, A Voss, D Wentura Emotion 8 (1), 34, 2008 | 286 | 2008 |
Affective priming of semantic categorisation responses JD Houwer, D Hermans, K Rothermund, D Wentura Cognition & Emotion 16 (5), 643-666, 2002 | 276 | 2002 |
Dissociative affective and associative priming effects in the lexical decision task: yes versus no responses to word targets reveal evaluative judgment tendencies. D Wentura Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 26 (2), 456, 2000 | 260 | 2000 |
Figure-ground asymmetries in the Implicit Association Test (IAT) K Rothermund, D Wentura Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 48 (2), 94-106, 2001 | 238 | 2001 |
Distractor repetitions retrieve previous responses to targets C Frings, K Rothermund, D Wentura Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (10), 1367-1377, 2007 | 222 | 2007 |
Automatic prejudice in childhood and early adolescence. J Degner, D Wentura Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (3), 356, 2010 | 221 | 2010 |
Intentional self-development through adulthood and later life: Tenacious pursuit and flexible adjustment of goals. J Brandtstädter, D Wentura, K Rothermund Action and self-development: Theory and research through the life-span, 373-400, 1999 | 218 | 1999 |
Self-anchoring and in-group favoritism: An individual profiles analysis S Otten, D Wentura Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37 (6), 525-532, 2001 | 201 | 2001 |
Minimizing the influence of recoding in the implicit association test: The recoding-free implicit association test (IAT-RF) K Rothermund, S Teige-Mocigemba, A Gast, D Wentura Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (1), 84-98, 2009 | 186 | 2009 |
Decomposing the emotional Stroop effect C Frings, J Englert, D Wentura, C Bermeitinger Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 63 (1), 42-49, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
Multivariate Datenanalyse D Wentura, M Pospeschill Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015 | 150* | 2015 |
Adjustment to shifting possibility frontiers in later life: Complementary adaptive modes J Brandtstädter, D Wentura Compensating for psychological deficits and declines, 83-106, 2013 | 148 | 2013 |