Howida A. shedeed
Howida A. shedeed
Professor - faculty of Computers - Ain Shams University
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Cited by
Generalization of convolutional neural networks for ECG classification using generative adversarial networks
AM Shaker, M Tantawi, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
IEEE Access 8, 35592-35605, 2020
A csp\am-ba-svm approach for motor imagery bci system
S Selim, MM Tantawi, HA Shedeed, A Badr
Ieee Access 6, 49192-49208, 2018
Arabic sign language recognition using leap motion sensor
AS Elons, M Ahmed, H Shedid, MF Tolba
2014 9th International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES …, 2014
Brain EEG signal processing for controlling a robotic arm
HA Shedeed, MF Issa, SM El-Sayed
2013 8th international conference on computer engineering & systems (ICCES …, 2013
Arabic sign language recognition with 3d convolutional neural networks
M ElBadawy, AS Elons, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
2017 Eighth international conference on intelligent computing and …, 2017
A new method for person identification in a biometric security system based on brain EEG signal processing
HAF Shedeed
2011 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, 1205-1210, 2011
A new technique for background modeling and subtraction for motion detection in real-time videos
MM Azab, HA Shedeed, AS Hussein
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3453-3456, 2010
EEG-EOG based virtual keyboard: Toward hybrid brain computer interface
SM Hosni, HA Shedeed, MS Mabrouk, MF Tolba
Neuroinformatics 17, 323-341, 2019
A two-stage method for bone X-rays abnormality detection using mobileNet network
H El-Saadawy, M Tantawi, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2020
Hybrid hierarchical method for electrocardiogram heartbeat classification
H El‐Saadawy, M Tantawi, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
IET Signal Processing 12 (4), 506-513, 2018
Reducing execution time for real-time motor imagery based BCI systems
S Selim, M Tantawi, H Shedeed, A Badr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2017
New technique for online object tracking‐by‐detection in video
MM Azab, HA Shedeed, AS Hussein
IET Image Processing 8 (12), 794-803, 2014
Multiscale satellite image classification using deep learning approach
N Laban, B Abdellatif, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Aerospace Technology, 165-186, 2020
A proposed hybrid sensor architecture for arabic sign language recognition
M ElBadawy, AS Elons, H Sheded, MF Tolba
Intelligent Systems' 2014: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International …, 2015
Brain-EEG signal classification based on data normalization for controlling a robotic arm
HA Shedeed, MF Issa
Int. J. Tomogr. Simul 29 (1), 72-85, 2016
Machine learning for enhancement land cover and crop types classification
N Laban, B Abdellatif, HM Ebeid, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Machine learning paradigms: theory and application, 71-87, 2019
Electrocardiogram (ECG) classification based on dynamic beats segmentation
H El-Saadawy, M Tantawi, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics and Systems …, 2016
Image retrieval based on deep learning
MS Ghaleb, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Journal of System and Management Sciences 12 (2), 477-496, 2022
A new nano-robots control strategy for killing cancer cells using quorum sensing technique and directed particle swarm optimization algorithm
D Ezzat, S Amin, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and …, 2020
COVID-19 X-rays model detection using convolution neural network
MS Ghaleb, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision …, 2021
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Articles 1–20