Mostafa Maher El-Moghazy
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Cited by
The possible effect of diets containing Nigella sativa and Thymus vulgaris on blood parameters and some organs structure in rabbit
E Tousson, M El-Moghazy, E El-Atrsh
Toxicology and Industrial Health 27 (2), 107-116, 2011
Histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in the testes of rabbits after injection with the growth promoter boldenone
E Tousson, M El-Moghazy, A Massoud, A Akel
Reproductive Sciences 19 (3), 253-259, 2012
The possible effect of diets containing fish oil (omega-3) on hematological, biochemical and histopathogical alterations of rabbit liver and kidney
M El-Moghazy, NS Zedan, AM El-Atrsh, M El-Gogary, E Tousson
Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition 4 (3), 371-377, 2014
Physiological and biochemical changes after boldenone injection in adult rabbits
E Tousson, M El-Moghazy, A Massoud, A El-Atrash, O Sweef, A Akel
Toxicology and industrial health 32 (1), 177-182, 2016
p53 and Bcl-2expression in response to boldenone induced liver cells injury
E Tousson, A Alm-Eldeen, M El-Moghazy
Toxicology and industrial health 27 (8), 711-718, 2011
Changes in the hepatic and renal structure and function after a growth promoter boldenone injection in rabbits
M El-Moghazy, E Tousson, MI Sakeran
Animal Biology 62 (2), 171-180, 2012
Influence of sex and calf weight on milk yield and some chemical composition in the Egyptian buffalo's.
HMNFMM El-Moghazy
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2 (3), 22-27, 2015
Direct and maternal genetic trend estimates for growth traits of Zaraibi goats in Egypt using multivariate animal Models
HG El-Awady, MM El-Moghazy, IA El-Naser, AA El-Raghi
Int. J. Modern Biol. Med 10 (1), 1-19, 2019
Antioxidant activity studies on extracts of Eruca sativa seed meal and oil, detoxification, the role of antioxidants in the resistant microbes
HA El-Fadaly, SM El-Kadi, MM El-Moghazy, AAM Soliman, MS El-Haysha
IJSRM Human J 6 (3), 31-51, 2017
Effect of dietary zinc-methionine on growth, carcass traits, antioxidants and immunity of growing rabbits
M El-Moghazy, HA El-Fadaly, EI Khalifa, MA Mohamed
Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 10 (3), 59-66, 2019
Physiological studies on the postpartum reproductive performance in buffaloes
MMM El-Moghazy
Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Mansoura Univ., Egypt, 2003
Effect of sheep diets containing microbiological treated rice straw on blood parameters and nitrogen balance.
TELDHTELDHAA Mostafa M. ELmoghazy, Husain M. El-Fadaly
Journal of Microbiology Research 5 (2), 46-56, 2015
Genetic and non genetic factors affecting body weight traits in Zaraibi goat in Egypt.
EM M.M., HR Metawi, EFAAA El-Raghi
J. Agric. Res. Kafr El-Sheikh Univ. 41 (1), 27-40, 2015
Phenotypic correlations among Egyptian buffalo milk production and its major chemical constituents
MNE Hamad, MMEMME Abdel-Aziz
J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura University 5 (10), 741–749, 2014
Correlation Between Active Components of Rocket (Eruca sativa) as Cytotoxicity (Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay)
HA El-Fadaly, SM El-Kadi, MM El-Moghazy, AA Soliman, MSM El-Haysha
American Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2), 20-24, 2017
Effect of zinc chloride and sodium selenite supplementation on in vitro maturation, oxidative biomarkers, and gene expression in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) oocytes
WA Khalil, CY Yang, MM El-Moghazy, MS El-Rais, JH Shang, A El-Sayed
Zygote 29 (5), 393-400, 2021
Effect of Feeding Different Levels from Heat Protected Soybean Meal Protein in Diets of Growing Rahmani Lambs on Digestibility Coefficients, Feeding Values and Growth Performance
MY El-Ayek, MM El-Moghazy, HA Areda
Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 10 (5), 127-132, 2019
Effect of different parity types on reproductive performance of dairy Zaraibi goats
AEH El-Moghazy, M.M., E.I. Khalifa and Rasha
Egyptian J. of Sheep & Goat Sciences 13 (2), 26-37, 2018
Effect of Ovarian Status and Follicular Size on Grade and Maturation In Vitro of Bovine Oocytes in Relation with Follicular Fluid Composition.
RFEB El-Moghazy, MM, IT El-Ratel
J. Animal and Poultry Production, Mansoura University 8 (4), 83- 89, 2017
Influence of some cryoprotectants in comparing with different glycerol levels on sperm viability during freezing process of goat semen
AE Abdel-Khalek, MM El-Moghazy, SA Gabr
Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 33 (7), 4873-4885, 2008
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Articles 1–20