Giorgia Ramponi
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Cited by
T-cgan: Conditional generative adversarial network for data augmentation in noisy time series with irregular sampling
G Ramponi, P Protopapas, M Brambilla, R Janssen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.08295, 2018
Truly batch model-free inverse reinforcement learning about multiple intentions
G Ramponi, A Likmeta, AM Metelli, A Tirinzoni, M Restelli
International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics, 2359-2369, 2020
Provably efficient learning of transferable rewards
AM Metelli, G Ramponi, A Concetti, M Restelli
International Conference on Machine Learning, 7665-7676, 2021
News sharing user behaviour on twitter: A comprehensive data collection of news articles and social interactions
G Brena, M Brambilla, S Ceri, M Di Giovanni, F Pierri, G Ramponi
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 13 …, 2019
Active exploration for inverse reinforcement learning
D Lindner, A Krause, G Ramponi
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 5843-5853, 2022
Dealing with multiple experts and non-stationarity in inverse reinforcement learning: an application to real-life problems
A Likmeta, AM Metelli, G Ramponi, A Tirinzoni, M Giuliani, M Restelli
Machine Learning 110, 2541-2576, 2021
Content-based classification of political inclinations of twitter users
M Di Giovanni, M Brambilla, S Ceri, F Daniel, G Ramponi
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4321-4327, 2018
Learning in Non-Cooperative Configurable Markov Decision Processes
G Ramponi, AM Metelli, A Concetti, M Restelli
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 22808-22821, 2021
Learning on streaming graphs with experience replay
M Perini, G Ramponi, P Carbone, V Kalavri
Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 470-478, 2022
Content-based characterization of online social communities
G Ramponi, M Brambilla, S Ceri, F Daniel, M Di Giovanni
Information Processing & Management 57 (6), 102133, 2020
Iterative knowledge extraction from social networks
M Brambilla, S Ceri, F Daniel, M Di Giovanni, A Mauri, G Ramponi
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 1359-1364, 2018
Controlled Text Generation with Adversarial Learning
F Betti, G Ramponi, M Piccardi
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language …, 2020
Inverse reinforcement learning from a gradient-based learner
G Ramponi, G Drappo, M Restelli
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2458-2468, 2020
Vocabulary-based community detection and characterization
G Ramponi, M Brambilla, S Ceri, F Daniel, M Di Giovanni
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, 1043-1050, 2019
Trust region policy optimization with optimal transport discrepancies: Duality and algorithm for continuous actions
A Terpin, N Lanzetti, B Yardim, F Dorfler, G Ramponi
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 19786-19797, 2022
Newton Optimization on Helmholtz Decomposition for Continuous Games
G Ramponi, M Restelli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07804, 2020
Provably learning nash policies in constrained markov potential games
P Alatur, G Ramponi, N He, A Krause
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.07749, 2023
Learning in Markov Games: can we exploit a general-sum opponent?
G Ramponi, M Restelli
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1665-1675, 2022
JoyTag: a battery-less videogame controller exploiting RFID backscattering
G Maselli, M Piva, G Ramponi, D Ganesan
Proceedings of the 22Nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2016
Assigning users to domains of interest based on content and network similarity with champion instances
M Gasparini, G Ramponi, M Brambilla, S Ceri
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2019
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Articles 1–20