Volker Stocker
Volker Stocker
PostDoc & Head of Research Group, TU Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
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Cited by
Cited by
The growing complexity of content delivery networks: Challenges and implications for the Internet ecosystem
V Stocker, G Smaragdakis, W Lehr, S Bauer
Telecommunications Policy 41 (10), 1003-1016, 2017
Speed isn't everything: A multi-criteria analysis of the broadband consumer experience in the UK
V Stocker, J Whalley
Telecommunications Policy 42 (1), 1-14, 2018
Net neutrality and high-speed broadband networks: evidence from OECD countries
W Briglauer, C Cambini, K Gugler, V Stocker
European Journal of Law and Economics 55 (3), 533-571, 2023
The state of network neutrality regulation
V Stocker, G Smaragdakis, W Lehr
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 50 (1), 45-59, 2020
Public policy targets in EU broadband markets: The role of technological neutrality
W Briglauer, V Stocker, J Whalley
Telecommunications Policy 44 (5), 101908, 2020
Network neutrality regulation: the fallacies of regulatory market splits
G Knieps, V Stocker
Intereconomics 50 (1), 46-51, 2015
Who replies to consultations, and what do they say? The case of broadband universal service in the UK
V Stocker, J Whalley
Telecommunications Policy 43 (8), 101823, 2019
Price and QoS differentiation in all-IP networks
G Knieps, V Stocker
International Journal of Management and Network Economics 3 (4), 317-335, 2016
COVID-19 and the Internet: Lessons learned
V Stocker, W Lehr, G Smaragdakis
Beyond the Pandemic? Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Telecommunications …, 2023
The rise and evolution of clouds and private networks–Internet interconnection, ecosystem fragmentation
V Stocker, G Knieps, C Dietzel
TPRC49: The 49th Research conference on communication, information and …, 2021
Innovative Capacity Allocations for All-IP Networks
V Stocker
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020
Network neutrality through the lens of network economics
V Stocker, G Knieps
Review of Network Economics 17 (3), 115-150, 2018
Navigating the landscape of programmable networks: looking beyond the regulatory status quo
A Shukla, V Stocker
TPRC47: The 47th Research Conference on Communication, Information and …, 2019
Interconnection and capacity allocation for all-IP networks: walled gardens or full integration?
V Stocker
TPRC, 2015
Regulatory Policy for Broadband: A Response to the'ETNO Report’s' Proposal for Intervention in Europe’s Internet Ecosystem
V Stocker, W Lehr
Available at SSRN 4263096, 2022
Speed isn't everything: a multi-criteria analysis of broadband access speeds in the UK
V Stocker, J Whalley
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2016
Bedeutung digitaler Infrastrukturen und Dienste und Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Resilienz in Krisenzeiten
W Briglauer, V Stocker
Policy Note, 2020
Digitalizing telecommunications: innovation, complexity and diversity in the internet ecosystem
V Stocker, G Knieps
A Modern Guide to the Digitalization of Infrastructure, 59-91, 2021
Ecosystem evolution and end-to-end QoS on the internet: the (remaining) role of interconnections
V Stocker
The Future of the Internet, 171-194, 2019
Content may be king, but (peering) location matters: A progress report on the evolution of content delivery in the internet
V Stocker, G Smaragdakis, W Lehr, S Bauer
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2016
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Articles 1–20