Humberto C. Godinez
Humberto C. Godinez
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Data assimilation in the ADAPT photospheric flux transport model
KS Hickmann, HC Godinez, CJ Henney, CN Arge
Solar Physics 290, 1105-1118, 2015
Modeling the corona and solar wind using ADAPT maps that include far-side observations
CN Arge, CJ Henney, IG Hernandez, WA Toussaint, J Koller, HC Godinez
AIP conference proceedings 1539 (1), 11-14, 2013
New density estimates derived using accelerometers on board the CHAMP and GRACE satellites
PM Mehta, AC Walker, EK Sutton, HC Godinez
Space Weather 15 (4), 558-576, 2017
Modes of high‐latitude auroral conductance variability derived from DMSP energetic electron precipitation observations: Empirical orthogonal function analysis
R McGranaghan, DJ Knipp, T Matsuo, H Godinez, RJ Redmon, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (12), 11,013-11,031, 2015
Specification of the near-Earth space environment with SHIELDS
VK Jordanova, GL Delzanno, MG Henderson, HC Godinez, CA Jeffery, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 177, 148-159, 2018
Calibrating the stress-time curve of a combined finite-discrete element method to a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar experiment
D Osthus, HC Godinez, E Rougier, G Srinivasan
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 106, 278-288, 2018
Localized adaptive inflation in ensemble data assimilation for a radiation belt model
HC Godinez, J Koller
Space Weather 10 (8), 2012
Fourier amplitude sensitivity test applied to dynamic combined finite‐discrete element methods–based simulations
HC Godinez, E Rougier, D Osthus, Z Lei, E Knight, G Srinivasan
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2019
Ring current pressure estimation with RAM‐SCB using data assimilation and Van Allen Probe flux data
HC Godinez, Y Yu, E Lawrence, MG Henderson, B Larsen, VK Jordanova
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (23), 11,948-11,956, 2016
Improved forecasting of thermospheric densities using multi-model ensembles
S Elvidge, HC Godinez, MJ Angling
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (6), 2279-2292, 2016
A parametric study of the source rate for outer radiation belt electrons using a Kalman filter
Q Schiller, X Li, J Koller, H Godinez, DL Turner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A9), 2012
An efficient matrix-free algorithm for the ensemble Kalman filter
HC Godinez, JD Moulton
Computational Geosciences 16, 565-575, 2012
Simultaneous event‐specific estimates of transport, loss, and source rates for relativistic outer radiation belt electrons
Q Schiller, W Tu, AF Ali, X Li, HC Godinez, DL Turner, SK Morley, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (3), 3354-3373, 2017
Data assimilative optimization of WSA source surface and interface radii using particle filtering
GD Meadors, SI Jones, KS Hickmann, CN Arge, HC Godinez‐Vasquez, ...
Space Weather 18 (5), e2020SW002464, 2020
Specification of the ionosphere-thermosphere using the ensemble Kalman filter
HC Godinez, E Lawrence, D Higdon, A Ridley, J Koller, A Klimenko
Dynamic Data-Driven Environmental Systems Science: First International …, 2015
The RAM-SCB model and its applications to advance space weather forecasting
VK Jordanova, SK Morley, MA Engel, HC Godinez, K Yakymenko, ...
Advances in Space Research 72 (12), 5596-5606, 2023
Mesoscale informed parameter estimation through machine learning: A case-study in fracture modeling
N Panda, D Osthus, G Srinivasan, D O'Malley, V Chau, D Oyen, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 420, 109719, 2020
Determining key model parameters of rapidly intensifying Hurricane Guillermo (1997) using the ensemble Kalman filter
HC Godinez, JM Reisner, AO Fierro, SR Guimond, J Kao
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 69 (11), 3147-3171, 2012
Observation targeting with a second-order adjoint method for increased predictability
HC Godinez, DN Daescu
Computational Geosciences 15 (3), 477-488, 2011
CDA algorithm implemented in MPAS-O to improve eddy effects in a mesoscale simulation
E Carlson, L Van Roekel, M Petersen, HC Godinez, A Larios
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مقالات 1–20