Hakim Denoun
Hakim Denoun
Professor- Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO) --LATAGE Laboratory- Algeria.
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Cited by
MPPT controller for an interleaved boost dc–dc converter used in fuel cell electric vehicles
N Benyahia, H Denoun, A Badji, M Zaouia, T Rekioua, N Benamrouche, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (27), 15196-15205, 2014
Power system simulation of fuel cell and supercapacitor based electric vehicle using an interleaving technique
N Benyahia, H Denoun, M Zaouia, T Rekioua, N Benamrouche
international journal of hydrogen energy 40 (45), 15806-15814, 2015
A fuzzy–logic based controller for three phase PWM rectifier with voltage oriented control strategy
A Fekik, H Denoun, N Benamrouche, N Benyahia, M Zaouia
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 9 (2), 412-419, 2015
Characterization and control of supercapacitors bank for stand-alone photovoltaic energy
N Benyahia, H Denoun, M Zaouia, S Tamalouzt, M Bouheraoua, ...
Energy Procedia 42, 539-548, 2013
Artificial neural network for PWM rectifier direct power control and DC voltage control
A Fekik, H Denoun, AT Azar, M Zaouia, N Benyahia, ML Hamida, ...
Advances in System Dynamics and Control, 286-316, 2018
Control of separately excited DC motor with series multi-cells chopper using PI-Petri nets controller
ML Hamida, H Denoun, A Fekik, S Vaidyanathan
Nonlinear Engineering 8 (1), 32-38, 2019
Neural network based switching state selection for direct power control of three phase PWM-rectifier
A Fekik, H Denoun, ML Hamida, AT Azar, M Atig, QM Zhu
2018 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control …, 2018
Comparative analysis of direct power control and direct power control with space vector modulation of PWM rectifier
A Fekik, H Denoun, N Benamrouche, N Benyahia, A Badji, M Zaouia
2016 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information …, 2016
Direct power control of three-phase PWM-rectifier with backstepping control
A Fekik, H Denoun, AT Azar, NA Kamal, M Zaouia, N Benyahia, ...
Backstepping Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, 215-234, 2021
Comparative study of two level and three level PWM-rectifier with voltage oriented control
A Fekik, H Denoun, AT Azar, ML Hamida, M Zaouia, N Benyahia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2019
Direct power control of a three-phase PWM-rectifier based on Petri nets for the selection of switching states
A Fekik, H Denoun, AT Azar, ML Hamida, M Atig, M Ghanes, ...
2018 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2018
Comparative study of PI and FUZZY DC-voltage control for Voltage Oriented Control-PWM rectifier
A Fekik, H Denoun, N Benamrouche, N Benyahia, M Zaouia, S Haddad
The 14th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control …, 2015
Adapted fuzzy fractional order proportional-integral controller for DC motor
A Fekik, H Denoun, AT Azar, A Koubaa, NA Kamal, M Zaouia, ML Hamida, ...
2020 first international conference of smart systems and emerging …, 2020
Power quality improvement for grid-connected photovoltaic panels using direct power control
A Fekik, ML Hamida, H Houassine, AT Azar, NA Kamal, H Denoun, ...
Modeling and control of static converters for hybrid storage systems, 107-142, 2022
Fractional-order control of a fuel cell–boost converter system
A Fekik, AT Azar, NA Kamal, H Denoun, KM Almustafa, L Hamida, ...
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of …, 2021
Maximum power extraction from a photovoltaic panel connected to a multi-cell converter
A Fekik, AT Azar, NA Kamal, FE Serrano, ML Hamida, H Denoun, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2021
Improvement of the performances of the direct power control using space vector modulation of three phases PWM-rectifier
A Fekik, H Denoun, M Zaouia, N Benyahia, N Benamrouche, A Badji, ...
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 10 (30), 133-145, 2017
A backstepping direct power control of three phase pulse width modulated rectifier
A Fekik, AT Azar, H Denoun, NA Kamal, ML Hamida, D Kais, K Amara
Soft Computing Applications: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop …, 2021
A new switching table based neural network for direct power control of three-phase PWM-rectifier
A Fekik, H Denoun, M Zaouia, ML Hamida, S Vaidyanathan
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 33 (4), 358-368, 2019
Cyclic reports modulation control strategy for a five cells inverter
HM Lamine, D Hakim, F Arezki, B Nabil, B Nacerddine
2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in …, 2018
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Articles 1–20