Lingzhou Xue
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Cited by
Strong oracle optimality of folded concave penalized estimation
J Fan, L Xue, H Zou
The Annals of Statistics 42 (3), 819–849, 2014
Regularized rank-based estimation of high-dimensional nonparanormal graphical models
L Xue, H Zou
The Annals of Statistics 40 (5), 2541-2571, 2012
A selective overview of sparse principal component analysis
H Zou, L Xue
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (8), 1311-1320, 2018
Positive-definite ℓ1-penalized estimation of large covariance matrices
L Xue, S Ma, H Zou
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (500), 1480-1491, 2012
A review of dynamic network models with latent variables
B Kim, KH Lee, L Xue, X Niu
Statistics Surveys 12, 105–135, 2018
An integrin αIIbβ3 intermediate affinity state mediates biomechanical platelet aggregation
Y Chen, LA Ju, F Zhou, J Liao, L Xue, QP Su, D Jin, Y Yuan, H Lu, ...
Nature Materials 18 (7), 760-769, 2019
Alternating direction methods for latent variable Gaussian graphical model selection
S Ma, L Xue, H Zou
Neural Computation 25 (8), 2172-2198, 2013
Nonconcave penalized composite conditional likelihood estimation of sparse Ising models
L Xue, H Zou, T Cai
The Annals of Statistics 40 (3), 1403-1429, 2012
Sufficient forecasting using factor models
J Fan, L Xue, J Yao
Journal of Econometrics 201 (2), 292-306, 2017
Cooperative unfolding of distinctive mechanoreceptor domains transduces force into signals
L Ju, Y Chen, L Xue, X Du, C Zhu
eLife 5, e15447, 2016
Using a hidden Markov model to measure earnings quality
K Du, S Huddart, L Xue, Y Zhang
Journal of Accounting and Economics 69 (2-3), 101281, 2020
Discovery with data: Leveraging statistics with computer science to transform science and society
L Rudin, Cynthia and Dunson, D. and Irizarry, R. and Ji, H. and Laber, E ...
American Statistical Association 1, 2014
An alternating manifold proximal gradient method for sparse principal component analysis and sparse canonical correlation analysis
S Chen, S Ma, L Xue, H Zou
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 2 (3), 192-208, 2020
Multitask quantile regression under the transnormal model
J Fan, L Xue, H Zou
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 (516), 1726-1735, 2016
A small‐sample kernel association test for correlated data with application to microbiome association studies
X Zhan, L Xue, H Zheng, A Plantinga, MC Wu, DJ Schaid, N Zhao, J Chen
Genetic Epidemiology 42 (8), 772-782, 2018
Compositional knockoff filter for high-dimensional regression analysis of microbiome data
A Srinivasan, L Xue, X Zhan
Biometrics 77 (3), 984-995, 2021
Model-based clustering of time-evolving networks through temporal exponential-family random graph models
KH Lee, L Xue, DR Hunter
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 175, 104540, 2020
Model-based clustering of nonparametric weighted networks with application to water pollution analysis
A Agarwal, L Xue
Technometrics 62 (2), 161-172, 2020
A statistical investigation of the dependence of tropical cyclone intensity change on the surrounding environment
N Lin, R Jing, Y Wang, E Yonekura, J Fan, L Xue
Monthly Weather Review 145 (7), 2813-2831, 2017
Sure independence screening and compressed random sensing
L Xue, H Zou
Biometrika 98 (2), 371-380, 2011
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Articles 1–20