Nicholas G Jones
Cited by
Cited by
High-entropy alloys: a critical assessment of their founding principles and future prospects
EJ Pickering, NG Jones
International Materials Reviews 61 (3), 183-202, 2016
Precipitation in the equiatomic high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
EJ Pickering, R Muñoz-Moreno, HJ Stone, NG Jones
Scripta Materialia 113, 106-109, 2016
An assessment of the lattice strain in the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
LR Owen, EJ Pickering, HY Playford, HJ Stone, MG Tucker, NG Jones
Acta Materialia 122, 11-18, 2017
β Phase decomposition in Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Acta Materialia 57 (13), 3830-3839, 2009
Thermomechanical processing of Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, D Dye, M Jackson
Materials Science and Engineering: A 490 (1-2), 369-377, 2008
Design of a nickel-base superalloy using a neural network
BD Conduit, NG Jones, HJ Stone, GJ Conduit
Materials & Design 131, 358-365, 2017
Effect of initial microstructure on plastic flow behaviour during isothermal forging of Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al
M Jackson, NG Jones, D Dye, RJ Dashwood
Materials Science and Engineering: A 501 (1-2), 248-254, 2009
Lattice distortions in high-entropy alloys
LR Owen, NG Jones
Journal of Materials Research 33 (19), 2954-2969, 2018
The flow behavior and microstructural evolution of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr during subtransus isothermal forging
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, D Dye, M Jackson
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 1944-1954, 2009
Gamma-gamma prime-gamma double prime dual-superlattice superalloys
PM Mignanelli, NG Jones, EJ Pickering, O Messé, CMF Rae, MC Hardy, ...
Scripta Materialia 136, 136-140, 2017
In situ observation of texture and microstructure evolution during rolling and globularization of Ti–6Al–4V
JLW Warwick, NG Jones, I Bantounas, M Preuss, D Dye
Acta materialia 61 (5), 1603-1615, 2013
The effect of zirconium on the omega phase in Ti-24Nb-[0–8] Zr (at.%) alloys
EL Pang, EJ Pickering, SI Baik, DN Seidman, NG Jones
Acta Materialia 153, 62-70, 2018
Towards V-based high-entropy alloys for nuclear fusion applications
PJ Barron, AW Carruthers, JW Fellowes, NG Jones, H Dawson, ...
Scripta Materialia 176, 12-16, 2020
Lattice strain evolution during tensile and compressive loading of CP Ti
JLW Warwick, NG Jones, KM Rahman, D Dye
Acta Materialia 60 (19), 6720-6731, 2012
Development of chevron-shaped α precipitates in Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Scripta Materialia 60 (7), 571-573, 2009
On the influence of Mn on the phase stability of the CrMnxFeCoNi high entropy alloys
KA Christofidou, EJ Pickering, P Orsatti, PM Mignanelli, TJA Slater, ...
Intermetallics 92, 84-92, 2018
Gamma prime precipitate evolution during aging of a model nickel-based superalloy
AJ Goodfellow, EI Galindo-Nava, KA Christofidou, NG Jones, T Martin, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 718-728, 2018
Martensite evolution in a NiTi shape memory alloy when thermal cycling under an applied load
NG Jones, D Dye
Intermetallics 19 (10), 1348-1358, 2011
The effect of phase chemistry on the extent of strengthening mechanisms in model Ni-Cr-Al-Ti-Mo based superalloys
AJ Goodfellow, EI Galindo-Nava, KA Christofidou, NG Jones, CD Boyer, ...
Acta Materialia 153, 290-302, 2018
Fine-scale precipitation in the high-entropy alloy Al0. 5CrFeCoNiCu
EJ Pickering, HJ Stone, NG Jones
Materials Science and Engineering: A 645, 65-71, 2015
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Articles 1–20