Alex Loukas
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Cited by
Soil-transmitted helminth infections: ascariasis, trichuriasis, and hookworm
J Bethony, S Brooker, M Albonico, SM Geiger, A Loukas, D Diemert, ...
The lancet 367 (9521), 1521-1532, 2006
Hookworm infection
PJ Hotez, S Brooker, JM Bethony, ME Bottazzi, A Loukas, S Xiao
New England Journal of Medicine 351 (8), 799-807, 2004
Liver fluke induces cholangiocarcinoma
B Sripa, S Kaewkes, P Sithithaworn, E Mairiang, T Laha, M Smout, ...
PLoS medicine 4 (7), e201, 2007
Current status of vaccines for schistosomiasis
DP McManus, A Loukas
Clinical microbiology reviews 21 (1), 225-242, 2008
Tetraspanins on the surface of Schistosoma mansoni are protective antigens against schistosomiasis
MH Tran, MS Pearson, JM Bethony, DJ Smyth, MK Jones, M Duke, ...
Nature medicine 12 (7), 835-840, 2006
The tumorigenic liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini–multiple pathways to cancer
B Sripa, PJ Brindley, J Mulvenna, T Laha, MJ Smout, E Mairiang, ...
Trends in parasitology 28 (10), 395-407, 2012
Whole-genome sequence of Schistosoma haematobium
ND Young, AR Jex, B Li, S Liu, L Yang, Z Xiong, Y Li, C Cantacessi, ...
Nature genetics 44 (2), 221-225, 2012
PJ Brindley, M Bachini, SI Ilyas, SA Khan, A Loukas, AE Sirica, BT Teh, ...
Nature reviews Disease primers 7 (1), 65, 2021
The intestinal microbiota contributes to the ability of helminths to modulate allergic inflammation
MM Zaiss, A Rapin, L Lebon, LK Dubey, I Mosconi, K Sarter, A Piersigilli, ...
Immunity 43 (5), 998-1010, 2015
Opisthorchiasis and Opisthorchis-associated cholangiocarcinoma in Thailand and Laos
B Sripa, JM Bethony, P Sithithaworn, S Kaewkes, E Mairiang, A Loukas, ...
Acta tropica 120, S158-S168, 2011
Hookworm infection
A Loukas, PJ Hotez, D Diemert, M Yazdanbakhsh, JS McCarthy, ...
Nature reviews Disease primers 2 (1), 1-18, 2016
Immune responses in hookworm infections
A Loukas, P Prociv
Clinical microbiology reviews 14 (4), 689-703, 2001
Developing vaccines to combat hookworm infection and intestinal schistosomiasis
PJ Hotez, JM Bethony, DJ Diemert, M Pearson, A Loukas
Nature Reviews Microbiology 8 (11), 814-826, 2010
Effect of hookworm infection on wheat challenge in celiac disease–a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled trial
AJ Daveson, DM Jones, S Gaze, H McSorley, A Clouston, A Pascoe, ...
PloS one 6 (3), e17366, 2011
Helminth immunomodulation in autoimmune disease
TB Smallwood, PR Giacomin, A Loukas, JP Mulvenna, RJ Clark, JJ Miles
Frontiers in immunology 8, 453, 2017
The genome and developmental transcriptome of the strongylid nematode Haemonchus contortus
EM Schwarz, PK Korhonen, BE Campbell, ND Young, AR Jex, A Jabbar, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-18, 2013
Digestive proteases of blood-feeding nematodes
AL Williamson, PJ Brindley, DP Knox, PJ Hotez, A Loukas
TRENDS in Parasitology 19 (9), 417-423, 2003
Vaccines to combat the neglected tropical diseases
JM Bethony, RN Cole, X Guo, S Kamhawi, MW Lightowlers, A Loukas, ...
Immunological reviews 239 (1), 237-270, 2011
Proteomics analysis of the excretory/secretory component of the blood-feeding stage of the hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum
J Mulvenna, B Hamilton, SH Nagaraj, D Smyth, A Loukas, JJ Gorman
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8 (1), 109-121, 2009
Experimental hookworm infection and gluten microchallenge promote tolerance in celiac disease
J Croese, P Giacomin, S Navarro, A Clouston, L McCann, A Dougall, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 135 (2), 508-516. e5, 2015
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