Ghada Gharbi
Cited by
Cited by
A threshold based context change detection in pervasive environments: Application to a smart campus
N Khabou, IB Rodriguez, G Gharbi, M Jmaiel
Procedia Computer Science 32, 461-468, 2014
Aoda: an autonomic and ontology-driven architecture for service-oriented and event-driven systems
G Gharbi, MB Alaya, C Diop, E Exposito
International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise 3 (2/3), 167-188, 2013
Graph-based formalism for machine-to-machine self-managed communications
C Eichler, G Gharbi, N Guermouche, T Monteil, P Stolf
2013 Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative …, 2013
Semantic-aware IoT platforms
MB Alaya, K Drira, G Gharbi
2017 IEEE International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (AIMS), 8-13, 2017
Timed verification of machine-to-machine communications
G Gharbi, N Guermouche, T Monteil
Procedia Computer Science 32, 1071-1078, 2014
Temporal verification of mobile publish/subscribe machine-to-machine communications
G Gharbi, N Guermouche, T Monteil
Proceeding of IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile …, 2014
Self-management of Machine-to-Machine communications: a bi-layered approach
C Eichler, G Gharbi, T Monteil, P Stolf, N Guermouche
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 20, 2013
Gestion autonomique d'objets communicants dans le cadre des réseaux machine à machine sous des contraintes temporelles
G Gharbi
Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2016
Self-management of machine-to-machine communications: a multi-models approach
C Eichler, G Gharbi, T Monteil, P Stolf, N Guermouche
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 9 (3 …, 2016
Conceptualization and Specification of the Machine-to-Machine Payload System on NIMPH Satellite for IoT-Based Medical Monitoring Applications
R Boyer, F Camps, K Drira, T Boursac, G Gharbi
Cubesat Symposium 2023, 2023
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Articles 1–10