Roberto Tiella
Roberto Tiella
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A trust-enhanced recommender system application: Moleskiing
P Avesani, P Massa, R Tiella
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1589-1593, 2005
Moleskiing. it: a trust-aware recommender system for ski mountaineering
P Avesani, P Massa, R Tiella
International Journal for Infonomics 20 (35), 1-10, 2005
Development, formal verification, and evaluation of an e-voting system with VVPAT
A Villafiorita, K Weldemariam, R Tiella
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4 (4), 651-661, 2009
Assessment of source code obfuscation techniques
A Viticchié, L Regano, M Torchiano, C Basile, M Ceccato, P Tonella, ...
2016 IEEE 16th international working conference on source code analysis and …, 2016
Interpolated n-grams for model based testing
P Tonella, R Tiella, CD Nguyen
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2014
Generating valid grammar-based test inputs by means of genetic programming and annotated grammars
FM Kifetew, R Tiella, P Tonella
Empirical Software Engineering 22 (2), 928-961, 2017
Reproducing field failures for programs with complex grammar-based input
FM Kifetew, W Jin, R Tiella, A Orso, P Tonella
2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2014
Moleskiing: a trust-aware decentralized recommender system
P Avesani, P Massa, R Tiella
FOAF Workshop at DERI Galway, 2004
Crawlability metrics for automated web testing
A Marchetto, R Tiella, P Tonella, N Alshahwan, M Harman
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 13, 131-149, 2011
Automatic generation of opaque constants based on the k-clique problem for resilient data obfuscation
R Tiella, M Ceccato
2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2017
FSMC+, a tool for the generation of Java code from statecharts
R Tiella, A Villafiorita, S Tomasi
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of …, 2007
Combining stochastic grammars and genetic programming for coverage testing at the system level
FM Kifetew, R Tiella, P Tonella
Search-Based Software Engineering: 6th International Symposium, SSBSE 2014 …, 2014
Assessment of data obfuscation with residue number coding
BF Demissie, M Ceccato, R Tiella
2015 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Software Protection, 38-44, 2015
Crawlability metrics for web applications
N Alshahwan, M Harman, A Marchetto, R Tiella, P Tonella
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Semantic-based process analysis
C Di Francescomarino, F Corcoglioniti, M Dragoni, P Bertoli, R Tiella, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2014: 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva …, 2014
Specification of the Control Logic of an eVoting System in UML: the ProVotE experience
R Tiella, A Villafiorita, S Tomasi
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Critical Systems …, 2006
Measuring the impact of different categories of software evolution
F Longo, R Tiella, P Tonella, A Villafiorita
International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, 344-351, 2008
Sbfr: A search based approach for reproducing failures of programs with grammar based input
FM Kifetew, W Jin, R Tiella, A Orso, P Tonella
2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2013
Accounting and billing of wireless internet services in 3G networks
P Kallio, A Zorer, R Tiella
International Journal of Mobile Communications 2 (3), 294-309, 2004
A multi-objective approach to business process repair
C Di Francescomarino, R Tiella, C Ghidini, P Tonella
Service-Oriented Computing: 12th International Conference, ICSOC 2014, Paris …, 2014
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Articles 1–20