George E. Tsekouras
Cited by
Cited by
A hierarchical fuzzy-clustering approach to fuzzy modeling
G Tsekouras, H Sarimveis, E Kavakli, G Bafas
Fuzzy sets and systems 150 (2), 245-266, 2005
A fast and efficient algorithm for training radial basis function neural networks based on a fuzzy partition of the input space
H Sarimveis, A Alexandridis, G Tsekouras, G Bafas
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 41 (4), 751-759, 2002
On the use of the weighted fuzzy c-means in fuzzy modeling
GE Tsekouras
Advances in Engineering Software 36 (5), 287-300, 2005
A two-stage evolutionary algorithm for variable selection in the development of RBF neural network models
A Alexandridis, P Patrinos, H Sarimveis, G Tsekouras
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 75 (2), 149-162, 2005
A mobile agent platform for distributed network and systems management
D Gavalas, GE Tsekouras, C Anagnostopoulos
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (2), 355-371, 2009
On training RBF neural networks using input–output fuzzy clustering and particle swarm optimization
GE Tsekouras, J Tsimikas
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 221, 65-89, 2013
A new approach for measuring the validity of the fuzzy c-means algorithm
GE Tsekouras, H Sarimveis
Advances in Engineering Software 35 (8-9), 567-575, 2004
A novel training algorithm for RBF neural network using a hybrid fuzzy clustering approach
AD Niros, GE Tsekouras
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 193, 62-84, 2012
A fuzzy vector quantization approach to image compression
GE Tsekouras
Applied Mathematics and Computation 167 (1), 539-560, 2005
Intelligent modification for the daltonization process of digitized paintings
CN Anagnostopoulos, G Tsekouras, I Anagnostopoulos, C Kalloniatis
International Conference on Computer Vision Systems: Proceedings, 2007
Cultural applications for mobile devices: Issues and requirements for authoring tools and development platforms
D Economou, D Gavalas, M Kenteris, GE Tsekouras
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 12 (3), 18-33, 2008
Improved batch fuzzy learning vector quantization for image compression
GE Tsekouras, M Antonios, C Anagnostopoulos, D Gavalas, D Economou
Information Sciences 178 (20), 3895-3907, 2008
Personalized and content adaptive cultural heritage path recommendation: an application to the Gournia and Çatalhöyük archaeological sites
G Alexandridis, A Chrysanthi, GE Tsekouras, G Caridakis
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 29 (1), 201-238, 2019
Innovation and dynamic capabilities in a traditional service sector: evidence from shipping companies
G Tsekouras, E Poulis, K Poulis
Baltic Journal of Management 6 (3), 320-341, 2011
Intelligent modification of colors in digitized paintings for enhancing the visual perception of color-blind viewers
P Doliotis, G Tsekouras, CN Anagnostopoulos, V Athitsos
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations III 5, 293-301, 2009
Fuzzy Clustering of Categorical Attributes and its Use in Analyzing Cultural Data.
GE Tsekouras, D Papageorgiou, SB Kotsiantis, C Kalloniatis, PE Pintelas
International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 202-206, 2004
A Chebyshev polynomial radial basis function neural network for automated shoreline extraction from coastal imagery
A Rigos, GE Tsekouras, MI Vousdoukas, A Chatzipavlis, AF Velegrakis
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 23 (2), 141-160, 2016
A simple and effective algorithm for implementing particle swarm optimization in RBF network's design using input-output fuzzy clustering
GE Tsekouras
Neurocomputing 108, 36-44, 2013
Using sliding concentric windows for license plate segmentation and processing
C Anagnostopoulos, I Anagnostopoulos, G Tsekouras, G Kouzas, ...
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation, 2005 …, 2005
Fuzzy vector quantization for image compression based on competitive agglomeration and a novel codeword migration strategy
D Tsolakis, GE Tsekouras, J Tsimikas
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 25 (6), 1212-1225, 2012
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Articles 1–20