Mohamad Abou-Shouk
Mohamad Abou-Shouk
Associate Professor, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sharjah, UAE
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The impact of gamification adoption intention on brand awareness and loyalty in tourism: The mediating effect of customer engagement
M Abou-Shouk, M Soliman
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20, 100559, 2021
The influence of website quality dimensions on e-purchasing behaviour and e-loyalty: a comparative study of Egyptian travel agents and hotels
MA Abou-Shouk, GS Khalifa
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 34 (5), 608-623, 2017
Women's empowerment and tourism development: A cross-country study
MA Abou-Shouk, MT Mannaa, AM Elbaz
Tourism Management Perspectives 37, 100782, 2021
Perceived benefits and e-commerce adoption by SME travel agents in developing countries: Evidence from Egypt
M Abou-Shouk, P Megicks, WM Lim
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 37 (4), 490-515, 2013
Using competing models to evaluate the role of environmental pressures in ecommerce adoption by small and medium sized travel agents in a developing country
MA Abou-Shouk, WM Lim, P Megicks
Tourism Management 52, 327-339, 2016
Internet adoption by travel agents: A case of Egypt
M Abou‐Shouk, WM Lim, P Megicks
International Journal of Tourism Research 15 (3), 298-312, 2013
Sense of place relationship with tourist satisfaction and intentional revisit: Evidence from Egypt
MA Abou‐Shouk, N Zoair, MN El‐Barbary, MM Hewedi
International Journal of Tourism Research 20 (2), 172-181, 2018
Levels of business to business e-commerce adoption and competitive advantage in small and medium-sized enterprises: A comparison study between Egypt and the United States
I Elbeltagi, H Hamad, J Moizer, MA Abou-Shouk
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 19 (1), 6-25, 2016
Exploring customers’ attitudes to the adoption of robots in tourism and hospitality
M Abou-Shouk, HE Gad, A Abdelhakim
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 12 (4), 762-776, 2021
Destination management organizations and destination marketing: adopting the business model of e-portals in engaging travel agents
MA Abou-Shouk
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (2), 178-188, 2018
Investigating the success factors of hotel websites: The case of egyptian hotels
GSA Khalifa, MAA Abou-Shouk
Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) 3, 1-21, 2014
Effects of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing, and innovation capabilities, on market performance: The mediating effect of sustainable competitive advantage
SD Elgarhy, M Abou-Shouk
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35 (6), 1986-2004, 2023
Perceived barriers to e-commerce adoption in SMEs in developing countries: The case of travel agents in Egypt
M Abou-Shouk, M Eraqi
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2013
The effect of customer relationship management practices on airline customer loyalty
M Salah, MA Abou-Shouk
Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing (JTHSM) 5 (2), 11-19, 2019
e-Commerce and small tourism businesses in developing countries: Drivers versus boundaries of adoption
M Abou-Shouk, WM Lim, P Megicks
Tourism Planning & Development 10 (3), 249-266, 2013
The effect of personality traits and knowledge-sharing on employees' innovative performance: A comparative study of Egypt and Jordan
M Abou-Shouk, N Zoair, A Aburumman, M Abdel-Jalil
Tourism Management Perspectives 44, 101024, 2022
The fast-food employees' usage intention of robots: A cross-cultural study
AS Abdelhakim, M Abou-Shouk, NAFW Ab Rahman, A Farooq
Tourism Management Perspectives 45, 101049, 2023
Breaking the silence of travel agency employees: The moderating role of gender
M Abou-Shouk, AM Elbaz, A Maher
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1467358420988048, 2021
Evaluating tourism and hospitality graduates: perceptions of stakeholders in Egypt
IE Husin, MA Abou-Shouk, GSA Khalifa
Proceedings of the 3rdRegional Conference on Tourism Research, 29-31 Oct …, 2013
Predicting behavioural intention of international tourists towards geotours
MSA Soliman, MA Abou-Shouk
Geoheritage 9, 505-517, 2017
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Articles 1–20