Alessia Palleschi
Alessia Palleschi
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Cited by
Cyber-attacks and threats for healthcare–a multi-layer thread analysis
EG Spanakis, S Bonomi, S Sfakianakis, G Santucci, S Lenti, M Sorella, ...
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Towards enhancing radviz analysis and interpretation
M Angelini, G Blasilli, S Lenti, A Palleschi, G Santucci
2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 226-230, 2019
Effectiveness error: Measuring and improving radviz visual effectiveness
M Angelini, G Blasilli, S Lenti, A Palleschi, G Santucci
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (12), 4770-4786, 2021
ScrutinAI: A Visual Analytics Approach for the Semantic Analysis of Deep Neural Network Predictions.
E Haedecke, M Mock, M Akila
EuroVA@ EuroVis, 1-5, 2022
BUCEPHALUS: a BUsiness CEntric cybersecurity Platform for proActive anaLysis Using visual analyticS
M Angelini, G Blasilli, S Bonomi, S Lenti, A Palleschi, G Santucci, ...
2021 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 15-25, 2021
A visual analytics system of data gathered from colonial seabirds
A Palleschi, M Crielesi
2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 224-227, 2019
CrossWidget: a D3. js Plugin to Support Multiple Scented Cross Filtering Activities.
G Blasilli, S Lenti, A Palleschi, JM Pereira, RG Raidou
EuroVis (Posters), 1-3, 2019
Toward disease diagnosis visual support bridging classic and precision medicine
A Palleschi, M Petti, P Tieri, M Angelini
EuroVA, 25-29, 2022
CrossWidgets: Enhancing Complex Data Selections through Modular Multi Attribute Selectors
M Angelini, G Blasilli, S Lenti, A Palleschi, G Santucci
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 1-9, 2020
von Kurnatowski, Lynn 42
SJ Yang, K Berlin, G Blasilli, F Böhm, S Bonomi, E Cakmak, G Denker, ...
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Articles 1–10