Auke Wiggers
Auke Wiggers
Qualcomm AI Research
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Cited by
Hybrid reinforcement learning for autonomous driving
M Naghshvar, AK Sadek, AJ Wiggers
US Patent App. 16/683,129, 2020
Structure in the value function of two-player zero-sum games of incomplete information
AJ Wiggers, FA Oliehoek, DM Roijers
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.06888, 2016
Mobilecodec: neural inter-frame video compression on mobile devices
H Le, L Zhang, A Said, G Sautiere, Y Yang, P Shrestha, F Yin, R Pourreza, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 324-330, 2022
Predictive Sampling with Forecasting Autoregressive Models
A Wiggers, E Hoogeboom
ICML 2020, 2020
Instance-adaptive video compression: Improving neural codecs by training on the test set
T van Rozendaal, J Brehmer, Y Zhang, R Pourreza, A Wiggers, TS Cohen
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023
A residual diffusion model for high perceptual quality codec augmentation
NF Ghouse, J Petersen, A Wiggers, T Xu, G Sautiere
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.05489, 2023
Risk-averse behavior planning for autonomous driving under uncertainty
M Naghshvar, AK Sadek, AJ Wiggers
NeurIPS workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018
Codeit: Self-improving language models with prioritized hindsight replay
N Butt, B Manczak, A Wiggers, C Rainone, D Zhang, M Defferrard, ...
ICML 2024, 2024
Parallelized rate-distortion optimized quantization using deep learning
D Kianfar, A Wiggers, A Said, R Pourreza, T Cohen
2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP …, 2020
Discovering reoccurring motifs to predict opponent behavior
A Wiggers, A Visser
2013 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 1-7, 2013
Boosting neural video codecs by exploiting hierarchical redundancy
R Pourreza, H Le, A Said, G Sautiere, A Wiggers
WACV 2023, 5355-5364, 2023
Mobilenvc: Real-time 1080p neural video compression on a mobile device
T van Rozendaal, T Singhal, H Le, G Sautiere, A Said, K Buska, A Raha, ...
WACV 2024, 4323-4333, 2024
Simulating execution time of tensor programs using graph neural networks
JM Tomczak, R Lepert, A Wiggers
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.11876, 2019
Structure in the value function of zero-sum games of incomplete information
AJ Wiggers, FA Oliehoek, DM Roijers
Proceedings of the Tenth AAMAS Workshop on Multi-Agent Sequential Decision …, 2015
Automated optimization of walking parameters for the Nao humanoid robot
N Girardi, C Kooijman, AJ Wiggers, A Visser
25th Belgian-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2013 …, 2013
Evolutionary algorithm with non-parametric surrogate model for tensor program optimization
I Gatopoulos, R Lepert, A Wiggers, G Mariani, J Tomczak
2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2020
Multiple neural network models for filtering during video coding
H Wang, VMSA Kotra, J Chen, M Karczewicz, D Kianfar, AJ Wiggers
US Patent 11,930,215, 2024
A neural video codec with spatial rate-distortion control
N Fathima, J Petersen, G Sautiere, A Wiggers, R Pourreza
WACV 2023, 5365-5374, 2023
GameCodec: Neural Cloud Gaming Video Codec
H Le, R Pourreza, A Said, G Sautiere, A Wiggers
The 33rd British Machine Vision Conference 2022, 2022
Program synthesis for integer sequence generation
N Butt, A Wiggers, T Cohen, M Welling
36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20