MyungJoon (MJ) Han
MyungJoon (MJ) Han
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, KAIST
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Electron-hole symmetry and magnetic coupling in antiferromagnetic LaFeAsOþ
ZP Yin, S Lebegue, MJ Han, BP Neal, SY Savrasov, WE Pickettþ
Physical Review Letters 101 (4), 047001, 2008þ
Synthesis, characterization, and self-assembly of pencil-shaped CoO nanorodsþ
K An, N Lee, J Park, SC Kim, Y Hwang, JG Park, JY Kim, JH Park, MJ Han, ...þ
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (30), 9753-9760, 2006þ
electronic structure calculation method based on the nonorthogonal pseudoatomic orbital basisþ
MJ Han, T Ozaki, J Yuþ
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (4), 045110, 2006þ
Microscopic understanding of magnetic interactions in bilayer þ
SW Jang, MY Jeong, H Yoon, S Ryee, MJ Hanþ
Physical Review Materials 3 (3), 031001, 2019þ
Anisotropy, Itineracy, and Magnetic Frustration in High- Iron Pnictidesþ
MJ Han, Q Yin, WE Pickett, SY Savrasovþ
Physical review letters 102 (10), 107003, 2009þ
Covalency, double-counting, and the metal-insulator phase diagram in transition metal oxidesþ
X Wang, MJ Han, L De'Medici, H Park, CA Marianetti, AJ Millisþ
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (19), 195136, 2012þ
Doping Driven (, 0) Nesting and Magnetic Properties of Superconductorsþ
MJ Han, SY Savrasovþ
Physical review letters 103 (6), 067001, 2009þ
Dynamical mean-field theory of nickelate superlatticesþ
MJ Han, X Wang, CA Marianetti, AJ Millisþ
Physical Review Letters 107 (20), 206804, 2011þ
Induced magnetic two-dimensionality by hole doping in the superconducting infinite-layer nickelate þ
S Ryee, H Yoon, TJ Kim, MY Jeong, MJ Hanþ
Physical Review B 101 (6), 064513, 2020þ
Magnetic ordering and exchange interactions in multiferroic þ
MJ Han, T Ozaki, J Yuþ
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (6), 060404, 2007þ
Extraordinary off-stoichiometric bismuth telluride for enhanced n-type thermoelectric power factorþ
K Park, K Ahn, J Cha, S Lee, SI Chae, SP Cho, S Ryee, J Im, J Lee, ...þ
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (43), 14458-14468, 2016þ
Electronic structure, magnetic interactions, and the role of ligands in single-molecule magnetsþ
MJ Han, T Ozaki, J Yuþ
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (18), 184421, 2004þ
Chemical control of orbital polarization in artificially structured transition-metal oxides: from first principlesþ
MJ Han, CA Marianetti, AJ Millisþ
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (13), 134408, 2010þ
Analytic continuation via domain knowledge free machine learningþ
H Yoon, JH Sim, MJ Hanþ
Physical Review B 98 (24), 245101, 2018þ
Direct theoretical evidence for weaker correlations in electron-doped and Hg-based hole-doped cupratesþ
SW Jang, H Sakakibara, H Kino, T Kotani, K Kuroki, MJ Hanþ
Scientific reports 6 (1), 33397, 2016þ
Spin-orbital entangled molecular jeff states in lacunar spinel compoundsþ
HS Kim, J Im, MJ Han, H Jinþ
Nature communications 5 (1), 3988, 2014þ
Electronic and magnetic properties of carbide MXenes—the role of electron correlationsþ
S Bae, YG Kang, M Khazaei, K Ohno, YH Kim, MJ Han, KJ Chang, ...þ
Materials Today Advances 9, 100118, 2021þ
Novel High-Pressure Monoclinic Metallic Phase of þ
Y Ding, CC Chen, Q Zeng, HS Kim, MJ Han, M Balasubramanian, ...þ
Physical Review Letters 112 (5), 056401, 2014þ
Magnetic proximity effect and spin-orbital texture at the interfaceþ
AT Lee, MJ Han, K Parkþ
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155103, 2014þ
User’s manual of OpenMX version 3.8þ
T Ozaki, H Kino, J Yu, MJ Han, N Kobayashi, M Ohfuti, F Ishiiþ
Đ http://www. openmx-square. orgŠ, 2011þ
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