Antonio Zegarra Borrero
Antonio Zegarra Borrero
Ph.D. in Physics
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Charged pion production in interactions on hydrocarbon at
B Eberly, L Aliaga, O Altinok, MG Barrios Sazo, L Bellantoni, M Betancourt, ...
Physical Review D 92 (9), 092008, 2015
Measurement of Electron Neutrino Quasielastic and Quasielasticlike Scattering on Hydrocarbon at
J Wolcott, L Aliaga, O Altinok, L Bellantoni, A Bercellie, M Betancourt, ...
Physical review letters 116 (8), 081802, 2016
A supervised learning algorithm for interacting topological insulators based on local curvature
P Molignini, A Zegarra, E van Nieuwenburg, R Chitra, W Chen
SciPost Physics 11 (3), 073, 2021
Persistent currents and spin torque caused by percolated quantum spin Hall state
A Zegarra, JC Egues, W Chen
Physical Review B 101 (22), 224438, 2020
Corroborating the bulk-edge correspondence in weakly interacting one-dimensional topological insulators
A Zegarra, DR Candido, JC Egues, W Chen
Physical Review B 100 (7), 075114, 2019
Mean-field dynamics of an infinite-range interacting quantum system: Chaos, dynamical phase transition, and localization
B Žunkovič, A Zegarra
Physical Review B 109 (6), 064309, 2024
Mean-field dynamics of an infinite-range interacting quantum system: Chaos, dynamical phase transition, and localization
B Zunkovic, A Zegarra
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109 (6), 2024
Machine learning topological phase transitions through local curvature
W Chen, A Zegarra, E van Nieuwenburg, P Molignini, R Chitra
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, H71. 179, 2021
Spintronics based on percolated topological edge states
W Chen, A Zegarra, JC Egues
Spintronics XIII 11470, 114703B, 2020
Percolated topological edge states
A Zegarra, JC Egues, C Wei
Program, 2020
Particle identification algorithms for the medium energy (~ 1.5-8 GeV) MINERʋA TEST BEAM EXPERIMENT
AF Zegarra Borrero
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2016
Análisis de Transiciones de Fase en un Ferromagneto ideal aplicando el Método Monte Carlo a los modelos de Ising y Heisenberg en 2 y 3 dimensiones
HLR Antonio Zegarra Borrero
REVCIUNI 16, 2013
Effects of Interaction and Percolation on Topological Edge States
AF Zegarra Borrero
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 0
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Articles 1–13