Alphan Ulusoy
Cited by
Cited by
Optimality and Robustness in Multi-Robot Path Planning with Temporal Logic Constraints
A Ulusoy, SL Smith, XC Ding, C Belta, D Rus
The International Journal of Robotics Research 32 (8), 889 - 911, 2013
Wireless model-based predictive networked control system over cooperative wireless network
A Ulusoy, O Gurbuz, A Onat
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 7 (1), 41-51, 2010
Robust Multi-Robot Optimal Path Planning with Temporal Logic Constraints
A Ulusoy, SL Smith, XC Ding, C Belta
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 4693 …, 2012
Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning with Temporal Logic Constraints
A Ulusoy, SL Smith, XC Ding, C Belta, D Rus
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2011
Incremental control synthesis in probabilistic environments with Temporal Logic constraints
A Ulusoy, T Wongpiromsarn, C Belta
Decision and Control (CDC), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 7658-7663, 2012
Incremental synthesis of control policies for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with linear temporal logic specifications
T Wongpiromsarn, A Ulusoy, C Belta, E Frazzoli, D Rus
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5011-5018, 2013
Optimal multi-robot path planning with ltl constraints: guaranteeing correctness through synchronization
A Ulusoy, SL Smith, C Belta
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 11th International Symposium …, 2014
Receding horizon temporal logic control in dynamic environments
A Ulusoy, C Belta
The International Journal of Robotics Research 33 (12), 1593-1607, 2014
Temporal logic robot control based on automata learning of environmental dynamics
Y Chen, J Tůmová, A Ulusoy, C Belta
The International Journal of Robotics Research 32 (5), 547-565, 2013
Receding Horizon Control in Dynamic Environments from Temporal Logic Specifications.
A Ulusoy, M Marrazzo, C Belta
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2013
Incremental temporal logic synthesis of control policies for robots interacting with dynamic agents
T Wongpiromsarn, A Ulusoy, C Belta, E Frazzoli, D Rus
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
Estimating the channel capacity of multi-hop IEEE 802.11 wireless networks
Y Sarikaya, IC Atalay, O Gurbuz, O Ercetin, A Ulusoy
Ad Hoc Networks 10 (6), 1058-1075, 2012
Temporal logic control for an autonomous quadrotor in a nondeterministic environment
A Ulusoy, M Marrazzo, K Oikonomopoulos, R Hunter, C Belta
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 331-336, 2013
Wireless model based predictive networked control system
A Ulusoy, A Onat, O Gurbuz
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (3), 40-47, 2009
Soft-landing control by control invariance and receding horizon control
S Di Cairano, A Ulusoy, S Haghighat
2014 American Control Conference, 784-789, 2014
Wireless model based predictive networked control system over IEEE 802.15. 4
A Ulusoy, A Onat, O Gurbuz
2013 IEEE International Conference on distributed computing in sensor …, 2013
Automatic train stop control system
S Di Cairano, MA Ulusoy, S Haghighat
US Patent 9,387,866, 2016
Cooperative Wireless Model Based Predictive Networked Control Systems
A Ulusoy
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010
Automatic train stop control system
S Di Cairano, MA Ulusoy, S Haghighat
US Patent 9,840,261, 2017
Optimal temporal logic control of autonomous vehicles
MA Ulusoy
Boston University, 2014
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Articles 1–20