Anders S. Welander
Anders S. Welander
Scientist, General Atomics
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Experimental vertical stability studies for ITER performance and design guidance
DA Humphreys, TA Casper, N Eidietis, M Ferrara, DA Gates, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (11), 115003, 2009
EAST plasma control system
BJ Xiao, DA Humphreys, ML Walker, A Hyatt, JA Leuer, D Mueller, ...
Fusion engineering and design 83 (2-3), 181-187, 2008
Advanced techniques for neoclassical tearing mode control in DIII-D
FAG Volpe, ME Austin, RJ La Haye, J Lohr, R Prater, EJ Strait, ...
Physics of Plasmas 16 (10), 2009
Plasma current, position and shape feedback control on EAST
QP Yuan, BJ Xiao, ZP Luo, ML Walker, AS Welander, A Hyatt, JP Qian, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (4), 043009, 2013
Overview of KSTAR initial operation
M Kwon, YK Oh, HL Yang, HK Na, YS Kim, JG Kwak, WC Kim, JY Kim, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (9), 094006, 2011
Active control for stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes
DA Humphreys, JR Ferron, RJ La Haye, TC Luce, CC Petty, R Prater, ...
Physics of Plasmas 13 (5), 2006
Stabilization and prevention of the 2/1 neoclassical tearing mode for improved performance in DIII-D
R Prater, RJ La Haye, TC Luce, CC Petty, EJ Strait, JR Ferron, ...
Nuclear fusion 47 (5), 371, 2007
Development of ITER 15 MA ELMy H-mode inductive scenario
CE Kessel, D Campbell, Y Gribov, G Saibene, G Ambrosino, RV Budny, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (8), 085034, 2009
Comprehensive control of resistive wall modes in DIII-D advanced tokamak plasmas
M Okabayashi, IN Bogatu, MS Chance, MS Chu, AM Garofalo, Y In, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (12), 125003, 2009
Novel aspects of plasma control in ITER
D Humphreys, G Ambrosino, P de Vries, F Felici, SH Kim, G Jackson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 22 (2), 2015
Development of ITER-relevant plasma control solutions at DIII-D
DA Humphreys, JR Ferron, M Bakhtiari, JA Blair, Y In, GL Jackson, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (8), 943, 2007
Requirements for alignment of electron cyclotron current drive for neoclassical tearing mode stabilization in ITER
RJ La Haye, JR Ferron, DA Humphreys, TC Luce, CC Petty, R Prater, ...
Nuclear Fusion 48 (5), 054004, 2008
Overview of results from the national spherical torus experiment (NSTX)
DA Gates, J Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, R Bastasz, M Bell, R Bell, E Belova, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (10), 104016, 2009
State-of-the-art neoclassical tearing mode control in DIII-D using real-time steerable electron cyclotron current drive launchers
E Kolemen, AS Welander, RJ La Haye, NW Eidietis, DA Humphreys, ...
Nuclear Fusion 54 (7), 073020, 2014
Avoiding tokamak disruptions by applying static magnetic fields that align locked modes with stabilizing wave-driven currents
FA Volpe, A Hyatt, RJ La Haye, MJ Lanctot, J Lohr, R Prater, EJ Strait, ...
Physical review letters 115 (17), 175002, 2015
DIII-D Integrated plasma control solutions for ITER and next-generation tokamaks
DA Humphreys, JR Ferron, AW Hyatt, RJ La Haye, JA Leuer, BG Penaflor, ...
Fusion engineering and design 83 (2-3), 193-197, 2008
The ITER plasma control system simulation platform
ML Walker, G Ambrosino, G De Tommasi, DA Humphreys, M Mattei, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 96, 716-719, 2015
Plasma control system for “Day-One” operation of KSTAR tokamak
S Hahn, ML Walker, K Kim, HS Ahn, BG Penaflor, DA Piglowski, ...
Fusion engineering and design 84 (2-6), 867-874, 2009
Higher stable beta by use of pre-emptive electron cyclotron current drive on DIII-D
RJ La Haye, DA Humphreys, JR Ferron, TC Luce, FW Perkins, CC Petty, ...
Nuclear fusion 45 (11), L37, 2005
Overview of the preliminary design of the ITER plasma control system
JA Snipes, R Albanese, G Ambrosino, R Ambrosino, V Amoskov, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (12), 125001, 2017
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Articles 1–20