Transformative leadership: Working for equity in diverse contexts CM Shields Educational administration quarterly 46 (4), 558-589, 2010 | 1537 | 2010 |
Dialogic leadership for social justice: Overcoming pathologies of silence CM Shields Educational administration quarterly 40 (1), 109-132, 2004 | 1177 | 2004 |
Transformative leadership in education: Equitable and socially just change in an uncertain and complex world CM Shields Routledge, 2017 | 642 | 2017 |
How can educational leaders promote and support social justice and democratic community in schools GC Furman, CM Shields A new agenda for research in educational leadership, 119-137, 2005 | 549 | 2005 |
Pathologizing practices: The impact of deficit thinking on education CM Shields, R Bishop, AE Mazawi (No Title), 2005 | 498 | 2005 |
Good intentions are not enough: Transformative leadership for communities of difference CM Shields Scarecrow Press, 2003 | 305 | 2003 |
Transformative leadership approaches to inclusion, equity, and social justice CM Shields, KA Hesbol Journal of School Leadership 30 (1), 3-22, 2020 | 291 | 2020 |
A comparison study of student attitudes and perceptions in homogeneous and heterogeneous classrooms CM Shields Roeper Review 17 (4), 234-238, 1995 | 206 | 1995 |
Transformative leadership: An introduction CM Shields Counterpoints, 1-17, 2011 | 170 | 2011 |
Bakhtin primer CM Shields Peter Lang, 2007 | 163 | 2007 |
International handbook of educational leadership and social (in) justice I Bogotch, CM Shields Springer, 2014 | 161 | 2014 |
Leadership for social justice education: A critical transformative approach CM Shields International handbook of educational leadership and social (in) justice …, 2013 | 146 | 2013 |
Transformative leadership CM Shields Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 2020 | 144 | 2020 |
Dialogue is not just talk: A new ground for educational leadership CM Shields, MM Edwards Peter Lang, 2005 | 142 | 2005 |
A dialogue about race and ethnicity in education: Struggling to understand issues in cross-cultural leadership CM Shields, LJ Larocque, SL Oberg Journal of School Leadership 12 (2), 116-137, 2002 | 124 | 2002 |
Toward an equitable education JP Portelli desLibris, 2007 | 117 | 2007 |
Chapter 5: Critical advocacy research: An approach whose time has come CM Shields Counterpoints 433, 53-64, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Becoming a transformative leader CM Shields Routledge, 2020 | 107 | 2020 |
Transformative Leadership: A Call for Difficult Dialogue and Courageous Action in Racialised Contexts. CM Shields International Studies in Educational Administration (Commonwealth Council …, 2009 | 95 | 2009 |
Leading in the midst of diversity: The challenge of our times CM Shields, A Sayani The Sage handbook of educational leadership: Advances in theory, research …, 2005 | 95 | 2005 |