Hala M. Ebied
Hala M. Ebied
Professor at Scientific Computing Department, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain
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Cited by
Feature extraction using PCA and Kernel-PCA for face recognition
HM Ebied
Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2012 8th International Conference on, MM-72 …, 2012
Color Image Segmentation Based on Different Color Space Models using Automatic GrabCut
D Khattab, HM Ebied, AS Hussein, MF Tolba
The Scientific World Journal, 10 pages, 2014
Deep Learning for Satellite Image Classification
MA Shafaey, MAM Salem, HM Ebied, MN Al-Berry, MF Tolba
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics …, 2018
Hyperspectral unmixing using deep convolutional autoencoder
MM Elkholy, M Mostafa, HM Ebied, MF Tolba
International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (12), 4799-4819, 2020
Analysis of Palm Vein Pattern Recognition Algorithms and Systems
ABMS Mona A. Ahmed, Hala M. Ebied, El-Sayed M. El-Horbaty
International Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics and e-Health 1 (1), 2013
Multiscale satellite image classification using deep learning approach
N Laban, B Abdellatif, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Aerospace Technology, 165-186, 2020
Comparison of CNNs for remote sensing scene classification
MA Shafaey, MAM Salem, HM Ebeid, MN Al-Berry, MF Tolba
2018 13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems …, 2018
Evaluation of unsupervised feature extraction neural networks for face recognition
HM Ebied, K Revett, MF Tolba
Neural Computing and Applications 22, 1211-1222, 2013
Fusing directional wavelet local binary pattern and moments for human action recognition
MN Al‐Berry, MAM Salem, HM Ebeid, AS Hussein, MF Tolba
IET Computer Vision 10 (2), 153-162, 2016
Machine learning for enhancement land cover and crop types classification
N Laban, B Abdellatif, HM Ebeid, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Machine learning paradigms: theory and application, 71-87, 2019
Acceleration of super-resolution for multispectral images using self-example learning and sparse representation
MS Moustafa, HM Ebied, AK Helmy, TM Nazamy, MF Tolba
Computers & Electrical Engineering 62, 249-265, 2017
Unsupervised hyperspectral band selection with deep autoencoder unmixing
MM Elkholy, MS Mostafa, HM Ebeid, M Tolba
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 13 (3), 244-261, 2022
Image retrieval based on deep learning
MS Ghaleb, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
Journal of System and Management Sciences 12 (2), 477-496, 2022
Optimized feed forward neural network for microscopic white blood cell images classification
ST Mohamed, HM Ebeid, AE Hassanien, MF Tolba
The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and …, 2020
Accelerated hyperspectral image recursive hierarchical segmentation using GPUs, multicore CPUs, and hybrid CPU/GPU cluster
MA Hossam, HM Ebied, MH Abdel-Aziz, MF Tolba
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 14, 413-432, 2018
Multi-label Automatic GrabCut for Image Segmentation
MFT Dina Khattab, Hala M. Ebied, Ashraf S. Hussein
14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2014), pp …, 2014
COVID-19 X-rays model detection using convolution neural network
MS Ghaleb, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision …, 2021
Image retrieval based on self-organizing feature map and multilayer perceptron neural networks classifier
MS Ghaleb, HM Ebied, HA Shedeed, MF Tolba
2019 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information …, 2019
Rapid real-time generation of super-resolution hyperspectral images through compressive sensing and GPU
M Moustafa, HM Ebeid, A Helmy, TM Nazmy, MF Tolba
International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (18), 4201-4224, 2016
Pixel-wise classification of hyperspectral images with 1D convolutional SVM networks
MA Shafaey, F Melgani, MAM Salem, MN Al-Berry, HM Ebied, ...
IEEE Access 10, 133174-133185, 2022
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Articles 1–20