Wei Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
CAD-Net: A context-aware detection network for objects in remote sensing imagery
G Zhang, S Lu, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (12), 10015-10024, 2019
Reconstruction network for video captioning
B Wang, L Ma, W Zhang, W Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Deep neural networks for wireless localization in indoor and outdoor environments
W Zhang, K Liu, W Zhang, Y Zhang, J Gu
Neurocomputing 194, 279-287, 2016
A spatio-temporal appearance representation for viceo-based pedestrian re-identification
K Liu, B Ma, W Zhang, R Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 3810-3818, 2015
Gradient-directed multiexposure composition
W Zhang, WK Cham
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (4), 2318-2323, 2011
Uav-human: A large benchmark for human behavior understanding with unmanned aerial vehicles
T Li, J Liu, W Zhang, Y Ni, W Wang, Z Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Controllable video captioning with pos sequence guidance based on gated fusion network
B Wang, L Ma, W Zhang, W Jiang, J Wang, W Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Computer-aided bleeding detection in WCE video
Y Fu, W Zhang, M Mandal, MQH Meng
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (2), 636-642, 2013
Visdrone-det2018: The vision meets drone object detection in image challenge results
P Zhu, L Wen, D Du, X Bian, H Ling, Q Hu, Q Nie, H Cheng, C Liu, X Liu, ...
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 0-0, 2018
Coarse-to-fine UAV target tracking with deep reinforcement learning
W Zhang, K Song, X Rong, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (4), 1522-1530, 2018
Learning structure of stereoscopic image for no-reference quality assessment with convolutional neural network
W Zhang, C Qu, L Ma, J Guan, R Huang
Pattern Recognition 59, 176-187, 2016
MSR: multi-scale shape regression for scene text detection
C Xue, S Lu, W Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02596, 2019
Unsupervised person image generation with semantic parsing transformation
S Song, W Zhang, J Liu, T Mei
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Multimodal learning for facial expression recognition
W Zhang, Y Zhang, L Ma, J Guan, S Gong
Pattern Recognition 48 (10), 3191-3202, 2015
Progressive retinex: Mutually reinforced illumination-noise perception network for low-light image enhancement
Y Wang, Y Cao, ZJ Zha, J Zhang, Z Xiong, W Zhang, F Wu
Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on multimedia, 2015-2023, 2019
BATCH: A scalable asymmetric discrete cross-modal hashing
Y Wang, X Luo, L Nie, J Song, W Zhang, XS Xu
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33 (11), 3507-3519, 2020
Learning bidirectional temporal cues for video-based person re-identification
W Zhang, X Yu, X He
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 28 (10), 2768 …, 2017
Gradient-directed composition of multi-exposure images
W Zhang, WK Cham
2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010
SCRATCH: A scalable discrete matrix factorization hashing framework for cross-modal retrieval
ZD Chen, CX Li, X Luo, L Nie, W Zhang, XS Xu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (7), 2262-2275, 2019
Pugan: Physical model-guided underwater image enhancement using gan with dual-discriminators
R Cong, W Yang, W Zhang, C Li, CL Guo, Q Huang, S Kwong
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 4472-4485, 2023
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