ronald goodstein
ronald goodstein
Associate Professor of Marketing, Georgetown University
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Customer experience management in retailing: understanding the buying process
NM Puccinelli, RC Goodstein, D Grewal, R Price, P Raghubir, D Stewart
Journal of retailing 85 (1), 15-30, 2009
The moderating effect of perceived risk on consumers' evaluations of product incongruity: Preference for the norm
MC Campbell, RC Goodstein
Journal of consumer Research 28 (3), 439-449, 2001
The effect of multiple extrinsic cues on quality perceptions: A matter of consistency
AD Miyazaki, D Grewal, RC Goodstein
Journal of consumer research 32 (1), 146-153, 2005
Category-based applications and extensions in advertising: Motivating more extensive ad processing
RC Goodstein
Journal of consumer research 20 (1), 87-99, 1993
The impact of advertising positioning strategies on consumer price sensitivity
A Kalra, RC Goodstein
Journal of marketing research 35 (2), 210-224, 1998
All cues are not created equal: Obtaining attitude persistence under low-involvement conditions
J Sengupta, RC Goodstein, DS Boninger
Journal of Consumer Research 23 (4), 351-361, 1997
Pioneering and market share: Is entry time endogenous and does it matter?
MJ Moore, W Boulding, RC Goodstein
Journal of Marketing Research 28 (1), 97-104, 1991
Transferring “marketing knowledge” to the nonprofit sector
AR Andreasen, RC Goodstein, JW Wilson
California Management Review 47 (4), 46-67, 2005
Consumer reactions to brand extensions in a competitive context: does fit still matter?
SJ Milberg, F Sinn, RC Goodstein
Journal of Consumer Research 37 (3), 543-553, 2010
Retailer marketing communications in the digital age: getting the right message to the right shopper at the right time
D Villanova, AV Bodapati, NM Puccinelli, M Tsiros, RC Goodstein, ...
Journal of Retailing 97 (1), 116-132, 2021
A social identity perspective on aspirational advertising: Implicit threats to collective self-esteem and strategies to overcome them
CV Dimofte, RC Goodstein, AM Brumbaugh
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (3), 416-430, 2015
Compromising the compromise effect: Brands matter
F Sinn, SJ Milberg, LD Epstein, RC Goodstein
Marketing Letters 18, 223-236, 2007
The emergence of consumer research
HH Kassarjian, RC Goodstein
The Sage Handbook of Marketing Theory, Sage, London, 59-73, 2010
Effect of archetypal embeds on feelings: An indirect route to affecting attitudes?
AB Aylesworth, RC Goodstein, A Kalra
Journal of Advertising 28 (3), 73-81, 1999
When are feelings generated? Assessing the presence and reliability of feelings based on storyboards and animatics
RC Goodstein, JA Edell, MC Moore
Emotion in advertising: Theoretical and practical explorations, 175-193, 1990
UPC scanner pricing systems: Are they accurate?
RC Goodstein
Journal of Marketing 58 (2), 20-30, 1994
Improving the effect of guarantees: The role of a retailer's reputation
AL Roggeveen, RC Goodstein, D Grewal
Journal of Retailing 90 (1), 27-39, 2014
Call back the jury: Reinvestigating the effects of fit and parent brand quality in determining brand extension success
SJ Milberg, RC Goodstein, F Sinn, A Cuneo, LD Epstein
Journal of Marketing Management 29 (3-4), 374-390, 2013
A new approach to measuring retail promotion effectiveness: A case of store traffic
LD Epstein, AA Flores, RC Goodstein, SJ Milberg
Journal of Business Research 69 (10), 4394-4402, 2016
Parent brand susceptibility to negative feedback effects from brand extensions: A meta‐analysis of experimental consumer findings
SJ Milberg, A Cuneo, M Silva, RC Goodstein
Journal of Consumer Psychology 33 (1), 21-44, 2023
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