Gaël Guibon
Gaël Guibon
Associate Professor
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Cited by
From emojis to sentiment analysis
G Guibon, M Ochs, P Bellot
WACAI 2016, 2016
Multilingual fake news detection with satire
G Guibon, L Ermakova, H Seffih, A Firsov, GL Noé-Bienvenu
International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text …, 2019
Few-shot emotion recognition in conversation with sequential prototypical networks
G Guibon, M Labeau, L Lefeuvre, C Clavel
Software Impacts 12, 100237, 2022
When collaborative treebank curation meets graph grammars
G Guibon, M Courtin, K Gerdes, B Guillaume
LREC 2020-12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020
Emoji recommendation in private instant messages
G Guibon, M Ochs, P Bellot
Proceedings of the 33rd annual acm symposium on applied computing, 1821-1823, 2018
From emoji usage to categorical emoji prediction
G Guibon, M Ochs, P Bellot
International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text …, 2018
Parsing poorly standardized language dependency on old french
G Guibon, I Tellier, M Constant, S Prévost, K Gerdes
Thirteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories …, 2014
Searching for discriminative metadata of heterogenous corpora
G Guibon, I Tellier, S Prévost, M Constant, K Gerdes
Fourteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories …, 2015
Analyse syntaxique de l'ancien français: quelles propriétés de la langue influent le plus sur la qualité de l'apprentissage?
G Guibon, I Tellier, S Prevost, M Constant, K Gerdes
TALN 22, < http://www. atala. org/taln_archives/TALN/TALN-2015/taln-2015 …, 2015
Ezcat: an easy conversation annotation tool
G Guibon, L Lefeuvre, M Labeau, C Clavel
13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), 2022
Prédiction automatique d'emojis sentimentaux
G Guibon, M Ochs, P Bellot
COnférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications (CORIA), 2017
Participation de l'équipe TTGV à DEFT 2023~: Réponse automatique à des QCM issus d'examens en pharmacie
A Blivet, S Degrutère, B Gendron, A Renault, C Siouffi, VG Bouju, ...
CORIA TALN RJCRI RECITAL 2023, 23-38, 2023
Meta-learning for classifying previously unseen data source into previously unseen emotional categories
G Guibon, M Labeau, H Flamein, L Lefeuvre, C Clavel
1st Workshop on Meta Learning and Its Applications to Natural Language …, 2021
An adaptive layer to leverage both domain and task specific information from scarce data
G Guibon, M Labeau, L Lefeuvre, C Clavel
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (6), 7757-7765, 2023
ORPAILLEUR & SyNaLP at CLEF 2024 Task 2: Good Old Cross Validation for Large Language Models Yields the Best Humorous Detection
P Epron, G Guibon, M Couceiro
Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024 …, 2024
SEC: Context-Aware Metric Learning for Efficient Emotion Recognition in Conversation
B Gendron, G Guibon
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2024
Factorizing Gender Bias in Automatic Speech Recognition for Mexican Spanish
A Chizhikova, H Billinghurst, M Elizabeth, S Hossain, A Kulkarni, ...
OFrLex: A Computational Morphological and Syntactic Lexicon for Old French
G Guibon, B Sagot
LREC 2020-12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 3217–3225 …, 2020
On the Use of Dependencies in Relation Classification of Text with Deep Learning
B Espinasse, S Fournier, A Chifu, G Guibon, R Azcurra, V Mace
International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text …, 2019
Lis at semeval-2018 task 2: Mixing word embeddings and bag of features for multilingual emoji prediction
G Guibon, M Ochs, P Bellot
SemEVAL, 2018
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Articles 1–20