Mohammad Ahmad Al-Jarrah
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Cited by
Decision fusion for IoT-based wireless sensor networks
MA Al-Jarrah, MA Yaseen, A Al-Dweik, OA Dobre, E Alsusa
ieee internet of things journal 7 (2), 1313-1326, 2019
On the performance of IRS-assisted multi-layer UAV communications with imperfect phase compensation
M Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, E Alsusa, Y Iraqi, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (12), 8551-8568, 2021
Exact bit error-rate analysis of two-user NOMA using QAM with arbitrary modulation orders
T Assaf, AJ Al-Dweik, MS El Moursi, H Zeineldin, M Al-Jarrah
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (12), 2705-2709, 2020
Capacity analysis of IRS-based UAV communications with imperfect phase compensation
M Al-Jarrah, E Alsusa, A Al-Dweik, DKC So
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (7), 1479-1483, 2021
A novel edge detection algorithm for mobile robot path planning
R Al-Jarrah, M Al-Jarrah, H Roth
Journal of Robotics 2018 (1), 1969834, 2018
Decision fusion in distributed cooperative wireless sensor networks
MA Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, M Kalil, SS Ikki
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (1), 797-811, 2018
Performance analysis of wireless mesh backhauling using intelligent reflecting surfaces
MA Al-Jarrah, E Alsusa, A Al-Dweik, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (6), 3597-3610, 2021
NOMA receiver design for delay-sensitive systems
T Assaf, A Al-Dweik, MS El Moursi, H Zeineldin, M Al-Jarrah
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (4), 5606-5617, 2020
Performance Analysis for Downlink NOMA Over - Generalized Fading Channels
A Alqahtani, E Alsusa, A Al-Dweik, M Al-Jarrah
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (7), 6814-6825, 2021
Error rate analysis of amplitude-coherent detection over Rician fading channels with receiver diversity
MA Al-Jarrah, KH Park, A Al-Dweik, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (1), 134-147, 2019
RFID reader localization using hard decisions with error concealment
MA Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, E Alsusa, E Damiani
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (17), 7534-7542, 2019
Spectrum-occupancy aware cooperative spectrum sensing using adaptive detection
MA Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, SS Ikki, E Alsusa
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (2), 2225-2236, 2019
A unified performance framework for integrated sensing-communications based on KL-divergence
M Al-Jarrah, E Alsusa, C Masouros
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (12), 9390-9411, 2023
Decision fusion in mobile wireless sensor networks using cooperative multiple symbol differential space time coding
NAA MA Al-Jarrah, R Al-Jarrah
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 80 (2017), 127-136, 2017
Cooperative OFDM for semi distributed detection in wireless sensor networks
MA Al-Jarrah, NK Al-Ababneh, MM Al-Ibrahim, RA Al-Jarrah
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 68 (10), 1022-1029, 2014
BER reduction using partial-elements selection in IRS-UAV communications with imperfect phase compensation
S Jangsher, M Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, E Alsusa, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 59 (1), 623-633, 2022
Amplitude-coherent detection for optical wireless communications: Opportunities and limitations
MA Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, KH Park, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 550-562, 2020
Design of multiregional supervisory fuzzy PID control of pH reactors
S AlSabbah, M AlDhaifallah, M Al-Jarrah
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 2015 (1), 396879, 2015
Efficient Decision Fusion for Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks
M Al-Jarrah, A Al-Dweik, M Kalil, S Ikki
International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and …, 2017
Developed adaptive neuro-fuzzy algorithm to control air conditioning system at different pressures
R Al-Jarrah, MA Al-Jarrah
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 5 (4), 43-59, 2013
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Articles 1–20