George Ibrahim
George Ibrahim
The Hospital for Sick Children
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Cited by
Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of 1,000 pediatric low-grade gliomas
S Ryall, M Zapotocky, K Fukuoka, L Nobre, AG Stucklin, J Bennett, ...
Cancer cell 37 (4), 569-583. e5, 2020
Normal human monocytes exposed to glioma cells acquire myeloid-derived suppressor cell-like properties
JC Rodrigues, GC Gonzalez, L Zhang, G Ibrahim, JJ Kelly, MP Gustafson, ...
Neuro-oncology 12 (4), 351-365, 2010
B7-H3, a potential therapeutic target, is expressed in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
Z Zhou, N Luther, GM Ibrahim, C Hawkins, R Vibhakar, MH Handler, ...
Journal of neuro-oncology 111, 257-264, 2013
The vagus afferent network: emerging role in translational connectomics
LD Hachem, SM Wong, GM Ibrahim
Neurosurgical focus 45 (3), E2, 2018
Resilience of developing brain networks to interictal epileptiform discharges is associated with cognitive outcome
GM Ibrahim, D Cassel, BR Morgan, ML Smith, H Otsubo, A Ochi, M Taylor, ...
Brain 137 (10), 2690-2702, 2014
Microsurgery for ARUBA trial (A Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformation)–eligible unruptured brain arteriovenous malformations
J Wong, A Slomovic, G Ibrahim, I Radovanovic, M Tymianski
Stroke 48 (1), 136-144, 2017
Predictors of seizure outcomes in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and intractable epilepsy undergoing resective epilepsy surgery: an individual participant data meta …
A Fallah, GH Guyatt, OC Snead III, S Ebrahim, GM Ibrahim, A Mansouri, ...
PLoS One 8 (2), e53565, 2013
Deep brain stimulation for pediatric dystonia: a meta‐analysis with individual participant data
LM Elkaim, NM Alotaibi, A Sigal, HM Alotaibi, N Lipsman, SK Kalia, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 61 (1), 49-56, 2019
A systematic review of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in childhood
H Yan, E Toyota, M Anderson, TJ Abel, E Donner, SK Kalia, J Drake, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 23 (3), 274-284, 2018
The spectrum of altmetrics in neurosurgery: the top 100 “trending” articles in neurosurgical journals
J Wang, NM Alotaibi, GM Ibrahim, AV Kulkarni, AM Lozano
World neurosurgery 103, 883-895. e1, 2017
Anterior cervical discectomy with arthroplasty versus arthrodesis for single-level cervical spondylosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Fallah, EA Akl, S Ebrahim, GM Ibrahim, A Mansouri, CJ Foote, Y Zhang, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43407, 2012
Connectomic profiling identifies responders to vagus nerve stimulation
K Mithani, M Mikhail, BR Morgan, S Wong, AG Weil, S Deschenes, ...
Annals of neurology 86 (5), 743-753, 2019
Dynamic modulation of epileptic high frequency oscillations by the phase of slower cortical rhythms
GM Ibrahim, SM Wong, RA Anderson, G Singh-Cadieux, T Akiyama, ...
Experimental neurology 251, 30-38, 2014
Method of invasive monitoring in epilepsy surgery and seizure freedom and morbidity: a systematic review
H Yan, JS Katz, M Anderson, A Mansouri, M Remick, GM Ibrahim, TJ Abel
Epilepsia 60 (9), 1960-1972, 2019
Social media in epilepsy: a quantitative and qualitative analysis
Y Meng, L Elkaim, J Wang, J Liu, NM Alotaibi, GM Ibrahim, A Fallah, ...
Epilepsy & behavior 71, 79-84, 2017
Presurgical thalamocortical connectivity is associated with response to vagus nerve stimulation in children with intractable epilepsy
GM Ibrahim, P Sharma, A Hyslop, MR Guillen, BR Morgan, S Wong, ...
Neuroimage: Clinical 16, 634-642, 2017
The most cited works in epilepsy: Trends in the “Citation Classics”
GM Ibrahim, O Carter Snead III, JT Rutka, AM Lozano
Epilepsia 53 (5), 765-770, 2012
The current use of social media in neurosurgery
NM Alotaibi, JH Badhiwala, F Nassiri, D Guha, GM Ibrahim, MF Shamji, ...
World neurosurgery 88, 619-624. e7, 2016
Deep brain stimulation for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome in children and youth: a meta-analysis with individual participant data
MA Coulombe, LM Elkaim, NM Alotaibi, DA Gorman, AG Weil, A Fallah, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 23 (2), 236-246, 2018
Operative complications and differences in outcome after clipping and coiling of ruptured intracranial aneurysms
OGS Ayling, GM Ibrahim, B Drake, JC Torner, RL Macdonald
Journal of neurosurgery 123 (3), 621-628, 2015
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Articles 1–20