Paula R. Pietromonaco
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Intimacy as an interpersonal process: the importance of self-disclosure, partner disclosure, and perceived partner responsiveness in interpersonal exchanges.
JP Laurenceau, LF Barrett, PR Pietromonaco
Journal of personality and social psychology 74 (5), 1238, 1998
Automatic information processing and social perception: the influence of trait information presented outside of conscious awareness on impression formation.
JA Bargh, P Pietromonaco
Journal of personality and Social psychology 43 (3), 437, 1982
The internal working models concept: What do we really know about the self in relation to others?
PR Pietromonaco, LF Barrett
Review of general psychology 4 (2), 155-175, 2000
Depression, working models of others, and relationship functioning.
KB Carnelley, PR Pietromonaco, K Jaffe
Journal of personality and social psychology 66 (1), 127, 1994
Applying relationship science to evaluate how the COVID-19 pandemic may impact couples’ relationships.
PR Pietromonaco, NC Overall
American Psychologist 76 (3), 438-450, 2021
Are women the “more emotional” sex? Evidence from emotional experiences in social context
LF Barrett, L Robin, PR Pietromonaco, KM Eyssell
Cognition & Emotion 12 (4), 555-578, 1998
Working models of attachment and daily social interactions.
PR Pietromonaco, LF Barrett
Journal of personality and social psychology 73 (6), 1409, 1997
Close relationship processes and health: implications of attachment theory for health and disease.
PR Pietromonaco, B Uchino, C Dunkel Schetter
Health Psychology 32 (5), 499, 2013
Interpersonal mechanisms linking close relationships to health.
PR Pietromonaco, NL Collins
American Psychologist 72 (6), 531, 2017
Dating couples' attachment styles and patterns of cortisol reactivity and recovery in response to a relationship conflict.
SI Powers, PR Pietromonaco, M Gunlicks, A Sayer
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (4), 613, 2006
Attachment, caregiving, and relationship functioning in couples: Effects of self and partner
KB Carnelley, PR Pietromonaco, K Jaffe
Personal Relationships 3 (3), 257-278, 1996
Close relationships: Ties that heal or ties that bind?
PR Rook, Karen S. & Pietromonaco
Advances in personal relationships 1, 1-35, 1987
Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies
S Joel, PW Eastwick, CJ Allison, XB Arriaga, ZG Baker, E Bar-Kalifa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (32), 19061-19071, 2020
Psychological consequences of multiple social roles
PR Pietromonaco, J Manis, K Frohardt‐Lane
Psychology of women quarterly 10 (4), 373-382, 1986
Conflict in adult close relationships: An attachment perspective
PR Pietromonaco, D Greenwood, LF Barrett
Adult attachment: Theory, research, and clinical implications, 267-299, 2004
Intimacy as an interpersonal process: Current status and future directions
JP Laurenceau, LM Rivera, AR Schaffer, PR Pietromonaco
Handbook of closeness and intimacy, 71-88, 2004
Ethos of independence across regions in the United States: the production-adoption model of cultural change.
S Kitayama, LG Conway III, PR Pietromonaco, H Park, VC Plaut
American Psychologist 65 (6), 559, 2010
The nature of negative thoughts in depression.
PR Pietromonaco, H Markus
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 48 (3), 799, 1985
Gender and working models of attachment: Consequences for perceptions of self and romantic relationships
PR Pietromonaco, KB Carnelley
Personal Relationships 1 (1), 63-82, 1994
Adult attachment and physical health
PR Pietromonaco, LA Beck
Current opinion in psychology 25, 115-120, 2019
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Articles 1–20