Elia Moscoso Thompson
Elia Moscoso Thompson
Postdoctoral research fellow at CNR - IMATI (Genova), PhD student at DIBRIS in Computer Science
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Cited by
Description and retrieval of geometric patterns on surface meshes using an edge-based LBP approach
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti
Pattern Recognition 82, 1-15, 2018
SHREC'18 track: Recognition of geometric patterns over 3D models
S Biasotti, E Moscoso Thompson, L Barthe, S Berretti, A Giachetti, ...
Proceedings of the 11th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 71-77, 2018
SHREC 2022: Pothole and crack detection in the road pavement using images and RGB-D data
EM Thompson, A Ranieri, S Biasotti, M Chicchon, I Sipiran, MK Pham, ...
Computers & Graphics 107, 161-171, 2022
Shrec'17 Track: Retrieval of surfaces with similar relief patterns
S Biasotti, E Moscoso Thompson, M Aono, AB Hamza, B Bustos, S Dong, ...
10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2017
SHREC’20 track: Retrieval of digital surfaces with similar geometric reliefs
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti, A Giachetti, C Tortorici, N Werghi, ...
Computers & Graphics, 2020
Feature Curve Extraction on Triangle Meshes
E Moscoso Thompson, G Arvanitis, K Moustakas, N Hoang-Xuan, ...
The Eurographics Association, 2019
Context-adaptive navigation of 3D model collections
S Biasotti, E Moscoso Thompson, M Spagnuolo
Computers & Graphics 79, 1-13, 2019
Edge-based LBP description of surfaces with colorimetric patterns
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03977, 2018
Towards an Automatic 3D Patterns Classification: the GRAVITATE Use Case
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti, G Sorrentino, M Polig, S Hermon
The Eurographics Association, 2018
SHREC'18 track: Retrieval of gray patterns depicted on 3D models
E Moscoso Thompson, C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti, S Velasco-Forero, ...
Experimental similarity assessment for a collection of fragmented artifacts
S Biasotti, E Moscoso Thompson, M Spagnuolo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03979, 2018
Retrieving color patterns on surface meshes using edgeLBP descriptors
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti
Computers & Graphics 79, 46-57, 2019
mpLBP: A point-based representation for surface pattern description
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti, J Digne, R Chaine
Computers & Graphics, 2019
A Preliminary Analysis of Methods for Curvature Estimation on Surfaces With Local Reliefs.
EM Thompson, S Biasotti
Eurographics (Short Papers), 25-28, 2019
mpLBP: An Extension of the Local Binary Pattern to Surfaces based on an Efficient Coding of the Point Neighbours
E Moscoso Thompson, S Biasotti, J Digne, R Chaine
Automatic Structural Health Monitoring of Road Surfaces Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
A Ranieri, EM Thompson, S Biasotti
Data Driven Methods for Civil Structural Health Monitoring and Resilience …, 2024
Automatic Segmentation of Archaeological Fragments with Relief Patterns using Convolutional Neural Networks
E Moscoso Thompson, A Ranieri, S Biasotti
The Eurographics Association, 2021
SHREC 2020 Track: River Gravel Characterization
A Giachetti, S Biasotti, E Moscoso Thompson, L Fraccarollo, Q Nguyen, ...
The Eurographics Association, 2020
Mathematical Methods for the Shape Analysis and Indexing of Tangible CH Artefacts
EM Thompson, C Romanengo, A Scalas, CE Catalano, M Mortara, ...
INdAM Workshop: Mathematical modeling and Analysis of degradation and …, 2021
Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica ed Ingegneria dei Sistemi
EM Thompson
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Articles 1–20