Nasser Rezzoug
Nasser Rezzoug
Université de Poitiers, Institut PPrime (UPR3346 CNRS Univ. Poitiers ENSMA), EP AUCTUS INRIA
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Analysis of several methods and inertial sensors locations to assess gait parameters in able-bodied subjects
KB Mansour, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Gait & posture 42 (4), 409-414, 2015
Prediction of fingers posture using artificial neural networks
N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Journal of biomechanics 41 (12), 2743-2749, 2008
An individual and dynamic body segment inertial parameter validation method using ground reaction forces
C Hansen, G Venture, N Rezzoug, P Gorce, B Isableu
Journal of biomechanics 47 (7), 1577-1581, 2014
The manipulability: a new index for quantifying movement capacities of upper extremity
J Jacquier-Bret, P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Ergonomics 55 (1), 69-77, 2012
Velocity-dependent changes of rotational axes in the non-visual control of unconstrained 3D arm motions
B Isableu, N Rezzoug, G Mallet, D Bernardin, P Gorce, CC Pagano
Neuroscience 164 (4), 1632-1647, 2009
The Multifeature Gait Score: An accurate way to assess gait quality
K Ben Mansour, P Gorce, N Rezzoug
PLoS one 12 (10), e0185741, 2017
An inexpensive solution for motion analysis
C Hansen, D Gibas, JL Honeine, N Rezzoug, P Gorce, B Isableu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of …, 2014
Adaptation of joint flexibility during a reach-to-grasp movement
J Jacquier-Bret, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Motor Control 13 (3), 342-361, 2009
Dynamic control of pushing operations
N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Robotica 17 (6), 613-620, 1999
Grasping posture learning with noisy sensing information for a large scale of multifingered robotic systems
P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Journal of Robotic Systems 22 (12), 711-724, 2005
A method to learn hand grasping posture from noisy sensing information
P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Robotica 22 (3), 309-318, 2004
Spatiotemporal representation of 3D hand trajectory based on Beta-elliptic models
H Boubaker, N Rezzoug, M Kherallah, P Gorce, AM Alimi
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 18 (15), 1632-1647, 2015
The impact of Nordic walking training on the gait of the elderly
K Ben Mansour, P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Journal of sports sciences 36 (20), 2368-2374, 2018
Toward isometric force capabilities evaluation by using a musculoskeletal model: Comparison with direct force measurement
V Hernandez, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Journal of Biomechanics 48 (12), 3178-3184, 2015
Learning to walk using a recurrent neural network with time delay
B Ammar, N Chouikhi, AM Alimi, F Chérif, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2013: 23rd …, 2013
Numerical method applied to object tumbling with multi-body systems
P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Computational mechanics 24 (6), 426-434, 2000
Reach to grasp kinematics and EMG analysis of C6 quadriplegic subjects
J Jacquier-Bret, N Rezzoug, JM Vallier, H Tournebise, P Gorce
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
On-line feasible wrench polytope evaluation based on human musculoskeletal models: an iterative convex hull method
A Skuric, V Padois, N Rezzoug, D Daney
IEEE robotics and automation letters 7 (2), 5206-5213, 2022
Validity of a low-cost wearable device for body sway parameter evaluation
A Rouis, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 17 (sup1), 182-183, 2014
Virtual humanoids endowed with expressive communication gestures: the HuGEx project
N Rezzoug, P Gorce, A Heloir, S Gibet, N Courty, JF Kamp, F Multon, ...
2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 4445-4450, 2006
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Articles 1–20