Dustin Reishus
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Cited by
DNA triangles and self-assembled hexagonal tilings
N Chelyapov, Y Brun, M Gopalkrishnan, D Reishus, B Shaw, L Adleman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (43), 13924-13925, 2004
Self-assembly of DNA double-double crossover complexes into high-density, doubly connected, planar structures
D Reishus, B Shaw, Y Brun, N Chelyapov, L Adleman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (50), 17590-17591, 2005
On the decidability of self-assembly of infinite ribbons
L Adleman, J Kari, L Kari, D Reishus
The 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2002 …, 2002
Strong fault-tolerance for self-assembly with fuzzy temperature
D Doty, MJ Patitz, D Reishus, RT Schweller, SM Summers
2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 417-426, 2010
A stick-slip omnidirectional powertrain for low-cost swarm robotics: Mechanism, calibration, and control
J Klingner, A Kanakia, N Farrow, D Reishus, N Correll
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Miniature six-channel range and bearing system: algorithm, analysis and experimental validation
N Farrow, J Klingner, D Reishus, N Correll
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6180-6185, 2014
Object transportation by granular convection using swarm robots
K Sugawara, N Correll, D Reishus
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 11th International Symposium …, 2014
The undecidability of the infinite ribbon problem: Implications for computing by self-assembly
L Adleman, J Kari, L Kari, D Reishus, P Sosik
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (6), 2356-2381, 2009
On the mathematics of the law of mass action
L Adleman, M Gopalkrishnan, MD Huang, P Moisset, D Reishus
A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology I: Models and …, 2014
Path finding in the tile assembly model
Y Brun, D Reishus
Theoretical Computer Science 410 (15), 1461-1472, 2009
Building blocks for DNA self-assembly
Y Brun, M Gopalkrishnan, D Reishus, B Shaw, N Chelyapov, L Adleman
Proceedings of the 1st Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled …, 2004
Precise truss assembly using commodity parts and low precision welding
E Komendera, D Reishus, JT Dorsey, WR Doggett, N Correll
Intelligent Service Robotics 7, 93-102, 2014
Assembly by intelligent scaffolding
E Komendera, D Reishus, N Correll
Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, Tech. Rep, 2011
On the mathematics of self-assembly
D Reishus
University of Southern California, 2009
Design of a self-assembled memory circuit
D Reishus
Proceedings of the 5th Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled …, 2008
Connecting the Dots: Molecular Machinery for Distributed Robotics
Y Brun, D Reishus
International Workshop on DNA-Based Computers, 102-111, 2008
Algorithmic Self-Assembly of Circuits
M deLorimier, A Mathy, D Reishus, R Schmidt, B Shaw, L Wong
Proceedings of CBSSS. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 2002
Assembly by Intelligent Scaffolding; CU-CS-1080-11
D Reishus, E Komendera, N Correll
Assembly by Intelligent Scaffolding; CU-CS-1080-11
E Komendera, D Reishus, N Correll
Precise Truss Assembly using Commodity Parts and Imprecise Welding
E Komendera, D Reishus, N Correll
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Articles 1–20