André Årnes
André Årnes
Telenor Group, NTNU
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Digital forensics
A Årnes
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Using Hidden Markov Models to evaluate the risks of intrusions: system architecture and model validation
A Årnes, F Valeur, G Vigna, RA Kemmerer
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 9th International Symposium, RAID …, 2006
Real-time risk assessment with network sensors and intrusion detection systems
A Årnes, K Sallhammar, K Haslum, T Brekne, MEG Moe, SJ Knapskog
Computational Intelligence and Security: International Conference, CIS 2005 …, 2005
The persistence of memory: Forensic identification and extraction of cryptographic keys
C Maartmann-Moe, SE Thorkildsen, A Årnes
digital investigation 6, S132-S140, 2009
Anonymization of ip traffic monitoring data: Attacks on two prefix-preserving anonymization schemes and some proposed remedies
T Brekne, A Årnes, A Øslebø
International Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 179-196, 2005
Multisensor real-time risk assessment using continuous-time hidden markov models
K Haslum, A Årnes
International Conference on Computational and Information Science, 694-703, 2006
Selecting revocation solutions for PKI
A Arnes
5th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems (NORDSEC 2000), 2000
Public key certificate revocation schemes
A Årnes
Masters thesis, 2000
Circumventing IP-address pseudonymization.
T Brekne, A Årnes
Communications and Computer Networks, 43-48, 2005
Practical use of Approximate Hash Based Matching in digital investigations
PC Bjelland, K Franke, A Årnes
Digital Investigation 11, S18-S26, 2014
Digital forensic reconstruction and the virtual security testbed ViSe
A Årnes, P Haas, G Vigna, RA Kemmerer
Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment: Third …, 2006
A network based imsi catcher detection
S Steig, A Aarnes, T Van Do, HT Nguyen
2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), 1-6, 2016
Using a virtual security testbed for digital forensic reconstruction
A Årnes, P Haas, G Vigna, RA Kemmerer
Journal in Computer Virology 2, 275-289, 2007
Storage and exchange formats for digital evidence
AO Flaglien, A Mallasvik, M Mustorp, A Årnes
Digital Investigation 8 (2), 122-128, 2011
A big data analytics approach to combat telecommunication vulnerabilities
K Jensen, HT Nguyen, TV Do, A Årnes
Cluster Computing 20, 2363-2374, 2017
Better protection of SS7 networks with machine learning
K Jensen, T Van Do, HT Nguyen, A Arnes
2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), 1-7, 2016
Identifying malware using cross-evidence correlation
A Flaglien, K Franke, A Arnes
Advances in Digital Forensics VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference …, 2011
Non-expanding transaction specific pseudonymization for IP traffic monitoring
L Øverlier, T Brekne, A Årnes
Cryptology and Network Security: 4th International Conference, CANS 2005 …, 2005
Coffee forensics—Reconstructing data in IoT devices running Contiki OS
JP Sandvik, K Franke, H Abie, A Årnes
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 37, 301188, 2021
Quantifying data volatility for IoT forensics with examples from Contiki OS
JP Sandvik, K Franke, H Abie, A Årnes
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 40, 301343, 2022
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Articles 1–20