Amal Agarwal
Cited by
Cited by
Model-based clustering of nonparametric weighted networks with application to water pollution analysis
A Agarwal, L Xue
Technometrics 62 (2), 161-172, 2020
Detecting the effects of coal mining, acid rain, and natural gas extraction in Appalachian basin streams in Pennsylvania (USA) through analysis of barium and sulfate concentrations
X Niu, A Wendt, Z Li, A Agarwal, L Xue, M Gonzales, SL Brantley
Environmental geochemistry and health 40, 865-885, 2018
Discovery of causal time intervals
Z Li, G Zheng, A Agarwal, L Xue, T Lauvaux
Proceedings of the 2017 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 804-812, 2017
Assessing changes in groundwater chemistry in landscapes with more than 100 years of oil and gas development
T Wen, A Agarwal, L Xue, A Chen, A Herman, Z Li, SL Brantley
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2019
Assessing contamination of stream networks near shale gas development using a new geospatial tool
A Agarwal, T Wen, A Chen, AY Zhang, X Niu, X Zhan, L Xue, SL Brantley
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (14), 8632-8639, 2020
Asymmetric flows in the intercellular membrane during cytokinesis
VV Menon, SS Soumya, A Agarwal, SR Naganathan, MM Inamdar, A Sain
Biophysical journal 113 (12), 2787-2795, 2017
Bayesian approach of nearfield acoustic reconstruction with particle filters
MR Bai, A Agarwal, CC Chen, YC Wang
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (6), 4032-4043, 2013
Model‐based clustering of semiparametric temporal exponential‐family random graph models
KH Lee, A Agarwal, AY Zhang, L Xue
Stat 11 (1), e459, 2022
Model-Based Co-Clustering in Customer Targeting Utilizing Large-Scale Online Product Rating Networks
Q Chen, A Agarwal, DKH Fong, WS DeSarbo, L Xue
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 1-13, 2024
Statistical Network Modeling and Its Applications in Complex Large-Scale Systems
A Agarwal
The Pennsylvania State University, 2020
Model-Based Clustering of Nonparametric Weighted Networks
A Agarwal
Bayesian inversion and sequential Monte Carlo sampling techniques applied to nearfield acoustic sensor arrays
MR Bai, A Agarwal, CC Chen, YC Wang
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4_Supplement), 2084-2084, 2014
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Articles 1–12