Nikos Tziritas
Nikos Tziritas
University of Thessaly, Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications
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A survey and taxonomy on energy efficient resource allocation techniques for cloud computing systems
A Hameed, A Khoshkbarforoushha, R Ranjan, PP Jayaraman, J Kolodziej, ...
Computing 98, 751-774, 2016
Survey on grid resource allocation mechanisms
MB Qureshi, MM Dehnavi, N Min-Allah, MS Qureshi, H Hussain, I Rentifis, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 12, 399-441, 2014
Anomaly detection via blockchained deep learning smart contracts in industry 4.0
K Demertzis, L Iliadis, N Tziritas, P Kikiras
Neural Computing and Applications 32 (23), 17361-17378, 2020
Performance analysis of data intensive cloud systems based on data management and replication: a survey
SUR Malik, SU Khan, SJ Ewen, N Tziritas, J Kolodziej, AY Zomaya, ...
Distributed and Parallel Databases 34, 179-215, 2016
Application-aware workload consolidation to minimize both energy consumption and network load in cloud environments
N Tziritas, CZ Xu, T Loukopoulos, SU Khan, Z Yu
2013 42nd international conference on parallel processing, 449-457, 2013
The next generation cognitive security operations center: adaptive analytic lambda architecture for efficient defense against adversarial attacks
K Demertzis, N Tziritas, P Kikiras, SL Sanchez, L Iliadis
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 3 (1), 6, 2019
The next generation cognitive security operations center: network flow forensics using cybersecurity intelligence
K Demertzis, P Kikiras, N Tziritas, SL Sanchez, L Iliadis
Big data and cognitive computing 2 (4), 35, 2018
A comparative study on resource allocation and energy efficient job scheduling strategies in large-scale parallel computing systems
AA Chandio, K Bilal, N Tziritas, Z Yu, Q Jiang, SU Khan, CZ Xu
Cluster computing 17, 1349-1367, 2014
On minimizing the resource consumption of cloud applications using process migrations
N Tziritas, SU Khan, CZ Xu, T Loukopoulos, S Lalis
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 73 (12), 1690-1704, 2013
Big-data processing techniques and their challenges in transport domain
AA Chandio, N Tziritas, CZ Xu
ZTE Communications 13 (1), 50, 2015
Data replication and virtual machine migrations to mitigate network overhead in edge computing systems
N Tziritas, M Koziri, A Bachtsevani, T Loukopoulos, G Stamoulis, SU Khan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2 (4), 320-332, 2017
Performance evaluation of energy-aware best fit decreasing algorithms for cloud environments
S Mustafa, K Bilal, SA Madani, N Tziritas, SU Khan, LT Yang
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive …, 2015
Slice-based parallelization in HEVC encoding: realizing the potential through efficient load balancing
M Koziri, P Papadopoulos, N Tziritas, AN Dadaliaris, T Loukopoulos, ...
2016 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP …, 2016
A comparative study of job scheduling strategies in large-scale parallel computational systems
AA Chandio, CZ Xu, N Tziritas, K Bilal, SU Khan
2013 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2013
Efficient cloud provisioning for video transcoding: Review, open challenges and future opportunities
MG Koziri, PK Papadopoulos, N Tziritas, T Loukopoulos, SU Khan, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 22 (5), 46-55, 2018
Adaptive tile parallelization for fast video encoding in HEVC
M Koziri, PK Papadopoulos, N Tziritas, AN Dadaliaris, T Loukopoulos, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2016
Middleware mechanisms for agent mobility in wireless sensor and actuator networks
N Tziritas, G Georgakoudis, S Lalis, T Paczesny, J Domaszewicz, ...
Sensor Systems and Software: Third International ICST Conference, S-Cube …, 2012
Implementing replica placements: Feasibility and cost minimization
T Loukopoulos, N Tziritas, P Lampsas, S Lalis
2007 IEEE international parallel and distributed processing symposium, 1-10, 2007
Agent placement in wireless embedded systems: memory space and energy optimizations
N Tziritas, T Loukopoulos, S Lalis, P Lampsas
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
Online live VM migration algorithms to minimize total migration time and downtime
N Tziritas, T Loukopoulos, SU Khan, CZ Xu, AY Zomaya
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2019
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Articles 1–20