Subhashish Meher
Subhashish Meher
Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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Three-dimensional nanoscale characterisation of materials by atom probe tomography
A Devaraj, DE Perea, J Liu, LM Gordon, TJ Prosa, P Parikh, DR Diercks, ...
International Materials Reviews 63 (2), 68-101, 2018
Coarsening kinetics of γ′ precipitates in cobalt-base alloys
S Meher, S Nag, J Tiley, A Goel, R Banerjee
Acta Materialia 61 (11), 4266-4276, 2013
Solute Partitioning and Site Preference in γ/γ′ Cobalt base alloys
S Meher, HY Yan, S Nag, D Dye, R Banerjee
Scripta Materialia, 2012
Partitioning and site occupancy of Ta and Mo in Co-base γ/γ′ alloys studied by atom probe tomography
S Meher, R Banerjee
Intermetallics 49, 138-142, 2014
Enhancing elevated temperature strength of copper containing aluminium alloys by forming L12 Al3Zr precipitates and nucleating θ ″precipitates on them
S Kumar Makineni, S Sugathan, S Meher, R Banerjee, S Bhattacharya, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-9, 2017
Solute partitioning in multi-component γ/γ′ Co–Ni-base superalloys with near-zero lattice misfit
S Meher, LJ Carroll, TM Pollock, MC Carroll
Scripta Materialia 113, 185-189, 2016
Designing nickel base alloys for microstructural stability through low γ-γ′ interfacial energy and lattice misfit
S Meher, MC Carroll, TM Pollock, LJ Carroll
Materials & Design 140, 249-256, 2018
Conjugated precipitation of twin-related α and Ti2Cu phases in a Ti–25V–3Cu alloy
HP Ng, P Nandwana, A Devaraj, M Semblanet, S Nag, PNH Nakashima, ...
Acta Materialia 84, 457-471, 2015
The origin and stability of nanostructural hierarchy in crystalline solids
S Meher, LK Aagesen, MC Carroll, TM Pollock, LJ Carroll
Science Advances 4 (11), eaao6051, 2018
Homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation mechanisms in a binary Mg–Nd alloy
D Choudhuri, N Dendge, S Nag, S Meher, T Alam, MA Gibson, ...
Journal of materials science 49, 6986-7003, 2014
Evolution of a honeycomb network of precipitates in a hot-rolled commercial Mg–Y–Nd–Zr alloy
D Choudhuri, S Meher, S Nag, N Dendge, JY Hwang, R Banerjee
Philosophical magazine letters 93 (7), 395-404, 2013
Probing the crystallography of ordered Phases by coupling of orientation microscopy with atom probe tomography
S Meher, P Nandwana, T Rojhirunsakool, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Ultramicroscopy 148, 67-74, 2015
Determination of solute site occupancies within γ′ precipitates in nickel-base superalloys via orientation-specific atom probe tomography
S Meher, T Rojhirunsakool, P Nandwana, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Ultramicroscopy 159, 272-277, 2015
A novel dual-step nucleation pathway in crystalline solids under neutron irradiation
S Meher, IJ Van Rooyen, TM Lillo
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 98, 2018
Influence of composition on monomodal versus multimodal γ′ precipitation in Ni–Al–Cr alloys
T Rojhirunsakool, S Meher, JY Hwang, S Nag, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Journal of materials science 48, 825-831, 2013
Determination of the gamma prime/gamma interface width in a Co–Al–W alloy via coupled aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
S Meher, GB Viswanathan, S Nag, HL Fraser, R Banerjee
Scripta Materialia 121, 23-27, 2016
Coarsening behaviour of gamma prime precipitates and concurrent transitions in the interface width in Ni-14 at.% Al-7 at.% Cr
S Meher, T Rojhirunsakool, JY Hwang, S Nag, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Philosophical magazine letters 93 (9), 521-530, 2013
Understanding of fission products transport in SiC layer of TRISO fuels by nanoscale characterization and modeling
S Meher, IJ van Rooyen, C Jiang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 527, 151793, 2019
Ab initio study and thermodynamic modeling of the Pd-Si-C system
C Jiang, IJ van Rooyen, S Meher
Computational Materials Science 171, 109238, 2020
Effect of High Si Content on U3Si2 Fuel Microstructure
J Rosales, IJ Van Rooyen, S Meher, R Hoggan, C Parga, J Harp
JOM 70, 209-213, 2018
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