Yen-Ting Hwang
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Cited by
Storm track processes and the opposing influences of climate change
TA Shaw, M Baldwin, EA Barnes, R Caballero, CI Garfinkel, YT Hwang, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (9), 656-664, 2016
Link between the double-Intertropical Convergence Zone problem and cloud biases over the Southern Ocean
YT Hwang, DMW Frierson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (13), 4935-4940, 2013
Extratropical influence on ITCZ shifts in slab ocean simulations of global warming
DMW Frierson, YT Hwang
Journal of Climate 25 (2), 720-733, 2012
Anthropogenic sulfate aerosol and the southward shift of tropical precipitation in the late 20th century
YT Hwang, DMW Frierson, SM Kang
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (11), 2845-2850, 2013
Contribution of ocean overturning circulation to tropical rainfall peak in the Northern Hemisphere
DMW Frierson, YT Hwang, NS Fučkar, R Seager, SM Kang, A Donohoe, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (11), 940-944, 2013
Coupling between Arctic feedbacks and changes in poleward energy transport
YT Hwang, DMW Frierson, JE Kay
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (17), 2011
Increasing atmospheric poleward energy transport with global warming
YT Hwang, DMW Frierson
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (24), 2010
Interhemispheric temperature asymmetry over the twentieth century and in future projections
AR Friedman, YT Hwang, JCH Chiang, DMW Frierson
Journal of Climate 26 (15), 5419-5433, 2013
Southern Hemisphere jet latitude biases in CMIP5 models linked to shortwave cloud forcing
P Ceppi, YT Hwang, DMW Frierson, DL Hartmann
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (19), 2012
The relationship between the ITCZ and the Southern Hemispheric eddy‐driven jet
P Ceppi, YT Hwang, X Liu, DMW Frierson, DL Hartmann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (11), 5136-5146, 2013
The remote impacts of climate feedbacks on regional climate predictability
GH Roe, N Feldl, KC Armour, YT Hwang, DMW Frierson
Nature Geoscience 8 (2), 135-139, 2015
Process-oriented MJO simulation diagnostic: Moisture sensitivity of simulated convection
D Kim, P Xavier, E Maloney, M Wheeler, D Waliser, K Sperber, H Hendon, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (14), 5379-5395, 2014
Connecting tropical climate change with Southern Ocean heat uptake
YT Hwang, SP Xie, C Deser, SM Kang
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (18), 9449-9457, 2017
Walker circulation response to extratropical radiative forcing
SM Kang, SP Xie, Y Shin, H Kim, YT Hwang, MF Stuecker, B Xiang, ...
Science advances 6 (47), eabd3021, 2020
Processes controlling Southern Ocean shortwave climate feedbacks in CESM
JE Kay, B Medeiros, YT Hwang, A Gettelman, J Perket, MG Flanner
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (2), 616-622, 2014
Storm track processes and the opposing influences of climate change, Nat. Geosci., 9, 656–664
TA Shaw, M Baldwin, EA Barnes, R Caballero, CI Garfinkel, YT Hwang, ...
Extratropical–tropical interaction model intercomparison project (ETIN-MIP): Protocol and initial results
SM Kang, M Hawcroft, B Xiang, YT Hwang, G Cazes, F Codron, T Crueger, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2589-2606, 2019
The remote impacts of climate feedbacks on regional climate predictability. Nat. Geosci., 8, 135–139
GH Roe, N Feldl, KC Armour, YT Hwang, DMW Frierson
The dominant contribution of Southern Ocean heat uptake to time‐evolving radiative feedback in CESM
YJ Lin, YT Hwang, J Lu, F Liu, BEJ Rose
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (9), e2021GL093302, 2021
The role of clouds in shaping tropical Pacific response pattern to extratropical thermal forcing
WT Hsiao, YT Hwang, YJ Chen, SM Kang
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (11), e2022GL098023, 2022
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