Daben Liu
Daben Liu
Capital One
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Cited by
Speech and language technologies for audio indexing and retrieval
J Makhoul, F Kubala, T Leek, D Liu, L Nguyen, R Schwartz, A Srivastava
Proceedings of the IEEE 88 (8), 1338-1353, 2000
Novel approaches to Arabic speech recognition: report from the 2002 Johns-Hopkins summer workshop
K Kirchhoff, J Bilmes, S Das, N Duta, M Egan, G Ji, F He, J Henderson, ...
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Fast speaker change detection for broadcast news transcription and indexing
D Liu, F Kubala
Sixth European conference on speech communication and technology, 1999
Online speaker clustering
D Liu, F Kubala
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2004. Proceedings.(ICASSP'04 …, 2004
Online speaker clustering
D Liu, F Kubala
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2004. Proceedings.(ICASSP'04 …, 2004
Systems and methods for providing acoustic classification
D Liu, FG Kubala
US Patent 7,337,115, 2008
Audio indexing of Arabic broadcast news
J Billa, M Noamany, A Srivastava, D Liu, R Stone, J Xu, J Makhoul, ...
2002 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal …, 2002
Integrated technologies for indexing spoken language
F Kubala, S Colbath, D Liu, A Srivastava, J Makhoul
Communications of the ACM 43 (2), 48-56, 2000
Novel speech recognition models for Arabic
K Kirchhoff, J Bilmes, J Henderson, R Schwartz, M Noamany, P Schone, ...
Johns-Hopkins University summer research workshop, 2002
SNDCNN: Self-normalizing deep CNNs with scaled exponential linear units for speech recognition
Z Huang, T Ng, L Liu, H Mason, X Zhuang, D Liu
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Speech recognition in multiple languages and domains: the 2003 BBN/LIMSI EARS system
R Schwartz, T Colthurst, N Duta, H Gish, R Iyer, CL Kao, D Liu, O Kimball, ...
2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2004
Systems and methods for classifying audio into broad phoneme classes
D Liu, FG Kubala
US Patent 7,424,427, 2008
Systems and methods for speaker change detection
D Liu, F Kubala
US Patent App. 10/685,586, 2004
The 1997 BBN Byblos system applied to broadcast news transcription
F Kubala, J Davenport, H Jin, D Liu, T Leek, S Matsoukas, D Miller, ...
Proc. DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, 35-40, 1998
Rough'n'Ready: a meeting recorder and browser
F Kubala, S Colbath, D Liu, J Makhoul
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 31 (2es), 7-es, 1999
Online speaker adaptation and tracking for real-time speech recognition.
D Liu, D Kiecza, A Srivastava, F Kubala
INTERSPEECH, 281-284, 2005
Systems and methods for providing online fast speaker adaptation in speech recognition
D Liu
US Patent 7,292,977, 2007
Improvements in spontaneous speech recognition
D Liu, L Nguyen, S Matsoukas, J Davenport, F Kubala, R Schwartz
Proc. DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, 123-126, 1998
A cross-channel modeling approach for automatic segmentation of conversational telephone speech [automatic speech recognition applications]
D Liu, F Kubala
2003 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (IEEE …, 2003
Novel approaches to Arabic speech recognition-final report from the JHU summer workshop 2002
K Kirchhoff, J Bilmes, J Henderson, R Schwartz, M Noamany, P Schone, ...
John-Hopkins University, Tech. Rep, 2002
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Articles 1–20