Ghona Abd El-nasser Ali
Ghona Abd El-nasser Ali
Professor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على nursing.sohag.edu.eg - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Patient satisfaction with perioperative care and its relationship with patient characteristics
G Abd El-Nasser, N Mohamed
Med. J. Cairo Univ 81 (2), 2013
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as an assessment tool for clinical skills in Sohag University: Nursing students' perspective
GA Ali, AY Mehdi, HA Ali
Journal of environmental studies 8 (1), 59-69, 2012
Knowledge of palliative care among bachelors nursing students
L Harazneh, A Ayed, I Fashafsheh, GAEN Ali
Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing 18, 25-32, 2015
Knowledge & compliance of nursing staff towards standard precautions in the Palestinian hospitals
A Ayed
Advances in Life Science and Technology, 2015
Clinical learning Environment and the Influential Factors from Nursing Students perspectives.
GAEN Ali, NM Ali
kufa Journal for Nursing sciences 7 (2), 2017
Effect of applying a clinical pathway for patients with Congestive Heart Failure on their health status outcomes
MHI Mona G Mohamed, Sanaa M Alaa EL-Deen, Ghona A Ali
Nursing and Palliative Care International Journal 21 (1), 12-19, 2019
Sexual harassment faced by female nursing students during clinical practices
E Ezz El Rigal
Mansoura Nursing Journal 6 (1), 101-114, 2019
Informational needs among women with newly diagnosed breast cancer: suggested nursing guidelines
SS Sayed, SES Abo Zead, GAEN Ali
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal 5 (12), 117-125, 2017
Effect of Self Care Education on Quality of Life and Body Image among Burned Patients
AHHME Fathya Rady Magbool, Ghona Abd El-Nasser Ali
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal 9 (22), 208-217, 2021
Impact of Fatigue and Sleep Quality upon the Quality of Life of Haemodialysis Recipient Patients ﺔﯾوﻣدﻟا ﺔﯾﻘﻧﺗﻟا ﯽﺿرﻣ ةﺎﯾﺣ ﺔﯾﻋوﻧ ﯥﻟﻋ موﻧﻟا ةدوﺟو بﻌﺗﻟا رﺛا
Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences 5 (2), 2015
Effects of Nursing Guidelines on Postoperative Complications and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgeries
Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal 17 (2), 99-122, 2019
Personal hygiene and taking into account the preventive measures and safety among healthcare providers
GAEN Ali, N Mohamed, AY Mahdy
International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 7 (1), 44, 2018
The Impact of Clinical Pathway for Congestive Heart Failure Patients on their Length of Hospital Stay and Limb Edema
MG Mohamed, SM Alaa EL-Deen, GA Ali, MH Ibrahim
Zagazig Nursing Journal 13 (1), 213-226, 2017
Effect of Nursing Guidelines on Minimizing Postoperative Complications for Patients with Abdominal Bariatric Surgeries
HG El-dawoody, OY Taha, GA Ali
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal 4 (8), 152-163, 2016
Effect of Tele-Nursing (Phone- Based Follow Up) and Educational Package on Life Style and Clinical Status for Diabetic Patients
AHH Fathya Rady Magbool, Lobna F.Eltoony, Ghona Abd El-Nasser Ali
Egyptian Journal of Health Care 12 (1), 881- 891, 2021
Impact of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills on Academic Achievement among Nursing Students
SHAE Nadia Mohamed Ali Saleh, Ghona Abd El-Naser Ali Mona Gamal Mohamed
Egyptian Journal of Health Care 12 (2), 932- 945, 2021
Nutritional Status and Wound Healing among Patients with Burn Injury: A Correlational Study
SM Ahmed, NEM Ebrahim, SM Hassanein, GAEN Ali
International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing 6 (2), 78-89, 2019
Evaluations of stress level caused by fear of exposure to needle stick injury among nurses: A cross-sectional study
GAE Ali, MG Mohamed
Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal 15 (2), 79-101, 2018
Effect of Diet and Walking Exercise on Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients
GAENA Amna Yehia Saad Ead
International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing 7 (1), 347-360, 2020
The Effectiveness of Interactive Workshop Concerning Parenteral methods of Administration of Medication on Nurses Knowledge toward Best Techniques.
Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences 8 (2), 2018
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مقالات 1–20