Aleksey Charapko
Cited by
Cited by
WPaxos: Wide Area Network Flexible Consensus
A Ailijiang, A Charapko, M Demirbas, T Kosar
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019
Pigpaxos: Devouring the communication bottlenecks in distributed consensus
A Charapko, A Ailijiang, M Demirbas
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 235-247, 2021
Consensus in the cloud: Paxos systems demystified
A Ailijiang, A Charapko, M Demirbas
2016 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2016
Dissecting the performance of strongly-consistent replication protocols
A Ailijiang, A Charapko, M Demirbas
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, 1696 …, 2019
Metastable failures in the wild
L Huang, M Magnusson, AB Muralikrishna, S Estyak, R Isaacs, A Aghayev, ...
16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2022
Scaling replicated state machines with compartmentalization
M Whittaker, A Ailijiang, A Charapko, M Demirbas, N Giridharan, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14 (11), 2203-2215, 2021
Metastable failures in distributed systems
N Bronson, A Aghayev, A Charapko, T Zhu
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 221-227, 2021
Linearizable quorum reads in Paxos
A Charapko, A Ailijiang, M Demirbas
11th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 19), 2019
Fast flexible paxos: Relaxing quorum intersection for fast paxos
H Howard, A Charapko, R Mortier
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2021
Bridging paxos and blockchain consensus
A Charapko, A Ailijiang, M Demirbas
2018 IEEE international conference on internet of things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2018
Read-write quorum systems made practical
M Whittaker, A Charapko, JM Hellerstein, H Howard, I Stoica
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency …, 2021
Adapting to access locality via live data migration in globally distributed datastores
A Charapko, A Ailijiang, M Demirbas
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3321-3330, 2018
Retrospective lightweight distributed snapshots using loosely synchronized clocks
A Charapko, A Ailijiang, M Demirbas, S Kulkarni
2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2017
Efficient distributed coordination at wan-scale
A Ailijiang, A Charapko, M Demirbas, BO Turkkan, T Kosar
2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2017
Retroscope: Retrospective monitoring of distributed systems
A Charapko, A Ailijiang, M Demirbas, S Kulkarni
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (11), 2582-2594, 2019
Using weaker consistency models with monitoring and recovery for improving performance of key-value stores
D Nguyen, A Charapko, SS Kulkarni, M Demirbas
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 25, 1-25, 2019
Scalable but wasteful: Current state of replication in the cloud
VS Matte, A Charapko, A Aghayev
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File …, 2021
Indexing and retrieving continuations in musical time series data using relational databases
A Charapko, CH Chuan
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 341-346, 2014
Optimistic execution in key-value store
D Nguyen, A Charapko, S Kulkarni, M Demirbas
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07319, 2018
Paxi framework
A Ailijiang, A Charapko, M Demirbas
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Articles 1–20