Floor Verhoeven
Floor Verhoeven
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The effects of MAOA genotype, childhood trauma, and sex on trait and state‐dependent aggression
FEA Verhoeven, L Booij, AW Kruijt, H Cerit, N Antypa, W Van der Does
Brain and behavior 2 (6), 806-813, 2012
Relationships among 5-HTT genotype, life events and gender in the recognition of facial emotions
N Antypa, H Cerit, AW Kruijt, FEA Verhoeven, AJW Van der Does
Neuroscience 172, 303-313, 2011
Seeing the signs: Using the course of residual depressive symptomatology to predict patterns of relapse and recurrence of major depressive disorder
FEA Verhoeven, KJ Wardenaar, HG Ruhe, HJ Conradi, P de Jonge
Depression and anxiety 35 (2), 148-159, 2018
Comparison of cognitive functioning as measured by the Ruff Figural Fluency Test and the CogState computerized battery within the LifeLines Cohort Study
JS Kuiper, RC Oude Voshaar, FEA Verhoeven, SU Zuidema, N Smidt
BMC psychology 5, 1-12, 2017
Clinical and physiological correlates of irritability in depression: results from the Netherlands study of depression and anxiety
FEA Verhoeven, L Booij, NJA Van der Wee, BWHJ Penninx, ...
Depression research and treatment 2011 (1), 126895, 2011
Agreement between clinical and MINI diagnoses in outpatients with mood and anxiety disorders
FEA Verhoeven, LSMA Swaab, IVE Carlier, AM van Hemert, FG Zitman, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 221, 268-274, 2017
Conradi, HJ, & de Jonge, P.(2018). Seeing the signs: Using the course of residual depressive symptomatology to predict patterns of relapse and recurrence of major depressive …
FEA Verhoeven, KJ Wardenaar, HG Ruhé
Depression and Anxiety 35 (2), 148-159, 0
Childhood Abuse and Increased Risk for Anger in Depression during Adulthood: The Moderating Role of MAOA Genotype and Gender
FEA Verhoeven, H Cent, N Antypa, JW Kruijt, AJW van der Does
Biological Psychiatry 67 (9), 131S131S, 2010
Rain with chances of a thunderstorm: on the role of anger in depression
F Verhoeven
hypothesis 182, 20-9, 2010
The effects of MAOA genotype, childhood trauma, and sex on trait and state-dependent aggression
FEA Verhoeven, L Booij, AW Kruijt, HE Cerit, N Antypa
F Verhoeven
Acute tryptophan depletion in remitted depressed patients with and without anger regulation problems: effects on symptoms, cortisol and testosterone
FEA Verhoeven, L Booij, A Dahan, M Niesters, M CA, IM Boom, ...
Acute tryptophan depletion in remitted depressed patients with and without anger regulation problems: effects on impulsivity and emotion processing
FEA Verhoeven, L Booij, AJW Van der Does
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Articles 1–13