Vicente Campos
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Cited by
Intensification and diversification with elite tabu search solutions for the linear ordering problem
M Laguna, R Marti, V Campos
Computers & Operations Research 26 (12), 1217-1230, 1999
An experimental evaluation of a scatter search for the linear ordering problem
V Campos, F Glover, M Laguna, R Martí
Journal of Global Optimization 21, 397-414, 2001
The capacitated arc routing problem: lower bounds
E Benavent, V Campos, A Corberán, E Mota
Networks 22 (7), 669-690, 1992
Reducing the bandwidth of a sparse matrix with tabu search
R Martı, M Laguna, F Glover, V Campos
European Journal of Operational Research 135 (2), 450-459, 2001
An algorithm for the rural postman problem on a directed graph
N Christofides, V Campos, A Corberán, E Mota
Netflow at pisa, 155-166, 1986
GRASP and path relinking for the matrix bandwidth minimization
E Pinana, I Plana, V Campos, R Martı
European Journal of Operational Research 153 (1), 200-210, 2004
An algorithm for the rural postman problem
N Christofides, V Campos, A Corberán, E Mota
Report IC. OR 81, 81, 1981
GRASP with path relinking for the orienteering problem
V Campos, R Martí, J Sánchez-Oro, A Duarte
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (12), 1800-1813, 2013
Context-independent scatter and tabu search for permutation problems
V Campos, M Laguna, R Martí
INFORMS Journal on Computing 17 (1), 111-122, 2005
Variable neighborhood search for the linear ordering problem
CG Garcia, D Pérez-Brito, V Campos, R Martí
Computers & operations research 33 (12), 3549-3565, 2006
Scatter search vs. genetic algorithms: An experimental evaluation with permutation problems
R Martí, M Laguna, V Campos
Metaheuristic optimization via memory and evolution: Tabu search and scatter …, 2005
Multiobjective GRASP with path relinking
R Martí, V Campos, MGC Resende, A Duarte
European Journal of Operational Research 240 (1), 54-71, 2015
Scatter search for the linear ordering problem
V Campos, M Laguna, R Martí
New ideas in optimization, 331-339, 1999
A branch and bound algorithm for the matrix bandwidth minimization
R Martí, V Campos, E Piñana
European Journal of Operational Research 186 (2), 513-528, 2008
An optimal method for the mixed postman problem
N Christofides, E Benavent, V Campos, A Corberán, E Mota
System Modelling and Optimization: Proceedings of the 11th IFIP Conference …, 1984
A new metaheuristic for the vehicle routing problem with split demands
E Mota, V Campos, Á Corberán
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial …, 2007
The capacitated arc routing problem. A heuristic algorithm
E Benavent, V Campos, A Corberán, E Mota
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Centre de Càlcul, 1990
Heuristic procedures for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
V Campos, E Mota
Computational Optimization and Applications 16, 265-277, 2000
Polyhedral results for a vehicle routing problem
V Campos, A Corberan, E Mota
European Journal of Operational Research 52 (1), 75-85, 1991
Strategic oscillation for the capacitated hub location problem with modular links
Á Corberán, J Peiró, V Campos, F Glover, R Martí
Journal of Heuristics 22, 221-244, 2016
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Articles 1–20