Trevor C. Lindley
Trevor C. Lindley
Department of Materials, Imperial College london
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Electron backscattering diffraction study of acicular ferrite, bainite, and martensite steel microstructures
Gourgues A.-F., HM Flower, TC Lindley
Materials Science and Technology 16 (1), 26-40, 2000
Aspects of equivalence between contact mechanics and fracture mechanics: theoretical connections and a life-prediction methodology for fretting-fatigue
AE Giannakopoulos, TC Lindley, S Suresh
Acta materialia 46 (9), 2955-2968, 1998
A critical of carbide cracking mechanisms in ferride/carbide aggregates
TC Lindley, G Oates, CE Richards
Acta metallurgica 18 (11), 1127-1136, 1970
Scatter in fatigue life due to effects of porosity in cast A356-T6 aluminum-silicon alloys
JZ Yi, YX Gao, PD Lee, HM Flower, TC Lindley
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 1879-1890, 2003
The influence of stress intensity and microstructure on fatigue crack propagation in ferritic materials
CE Richards, TC Lindley
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 4 (4), 951-978, 1972
The effect of grain orientation on fracture morphology during high-cycle fatigue of Ti–6Al–4V
I Bantounas, D Dye, TC Lindley
Acta materialia 57 (12), 3584-3595, 2009
Effect of Fe-content on fatigue crack initiation and propagation in a cast aluminum–silicon alloy (A356–T6)
JZ Yi, YX Gao, PD Lee, TC Lindley
Materials Science and Engineering: A 386 (1-2), 396-407, 2004
The role of microtexture on the faceted fracture morphology in Ti–6Al–4V subjected to high-cycle fatigue
I Bantounas, D Dye, TC Lindley
Acta Materialia 58 (11), 3908-3918, 2010
The effect of porosity on the fatigue life of cast aluminium‐silicon alloys
YX Gao, JZ Yi, PD Lee, TC Lindley
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 27 (7), 559-570, 2004
Titanium foams for biomedical applications: a review
R Singh, PD Lee, RJ Dashwood, TC Lindley
Materials Technology 25 (3-4), 127-136, 2010
Acoustic emission monitoring of fatigue crack growth
TC Lindley, IG Palmer, CE Richards
Materials Science and Engineering 32 (1), 1-15, 1978
The relevance of crack closure to fatigue crack propagation
TC Lindley, CE Richards
Materials Science and Engineering 14 (3), 281-293, 1974
Effect of microtexture on fatigue cracking in Ti–6Al–4V
I Bantounas, TC Lindley, D Rugg, D Dye
Acta Materialia 55 (16), 5655-5665, 2007
Use of EBSD technique to examine microstructure and cracking in a bainitic steel
E Bouyne, HM Flower, TC Lindley, A Pineau
Scripta materialia 39 (3), 295-300, 1998
Slip transfer and deformation structures resulting from the low cycle fatigue of near-alpha titanium alloy Ti-6242Si
S Joseph, I Bantounas, TC Lindley, D Dye
International Journal of Plasticity 100, 90-103, 2018
A micro-cell model of the effect of microstructure and defects on fatigue resistance in cast aluminum alloys
YX Gao, JZ Yi, PD Lee, TC Lindley
Acta materialia 52 (19), 5435-5449, 2004
Fretting fatigue in engineering alloys
TC Lindley
International journal of fatigue 19 (93), 39-49, 1997
Fatigue-crack initiation at corrosion pits
TC Lindley, P McIntyre, PJ Trant
Metals technology 9 (1), 135-142, 1982
Quantification of the interaction within defect populations on fatigue behavior in an aluminum alloy
P Li, PD Lee, DM Maijer, TC Lindley
Acta Materialia 57 (12), 3539-3548, 2009
Evolution of lattice strain in Ti–6Al–4V during tensile loading at room temperature
AM Stapleton, SL Raghunathan, I Bantounas, HJ Stone, TC Lindley, ...
Acta Materialia 56 (20), 6186-6196, 2008
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