Kentaro Komori
Kentaro Komori
University of Tokyo
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Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Living reviews in relativity 23, 1-69, 2020
KAGRA: 2.5 generation interferometric gravitational wave detector
Nature Astronomy 3 (1), 35-40, 2019
Frequency-dependent squeezing for advanced LIGO
L McCuller, C Whittle, D Ganapathy, K Komori, M Tse, ...
Physical review letters 124 (17), 171102, 2020
Construction of KAGRA: an underground gravitational-wave observatory
T Akutsu, M Ando, S Araki, A Araya, T Arima, N Aritomi, H Asada, Y Aso, ...
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2018 (1), 013F01, 2018
First cryogenic test operation of underground km-scale gravitational-wave observatory KAGRA
T Akutsu, M Ando, K Arai, Y Arai, S Araki, A Araya, N Aritomi, H Asada, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (16), 165008, 2019
Demonstration of displacement sensing of a mg-scale pendulum for mm-and mg-scale gravity measurements
N Matsumoto, SB Cataņo-Lopez, M Sugawara, S Suzuki, N Abe, K Komori, ...
Physical review letters 122 (7), 071101, 2019
Polarization test of gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences
H Takeda, A Nishizawa, Y Michimura, K Nagano, K Komori, M Ando, ...
Physical Review D 98 (2), 022008, 2018
The status of KAGRA underground cryogenic gravitational wave telescope
T Akutsu, M Ando, A Araya, N Aritomi, H Asada, Y Aso, S Atsuta, K Awai, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1342 (1), 012014, 2020
Attonewton-meter torque sensing with a macroscopic optomechanical torsion pendulum
K Komori, Y Enomoto, CP Ooi, Y Miyazaki, N Matsumoto, V Sudhir, ...
Physical Review A 101 (1), 011802, 2020
5-mg suspended mirror driven by measurement-induced backaction
N Matsumoto, K Komori, Y Michimura, G Hayase, Y Aso, K Tsubono
Physical Review A 92 (3), 033825, 2015
Prospects for gravitational-wave polarization tests from compact binary mergers with future ground-based detectors
H Takeda, A Nishizawa, K Nagano, Y Michimura, K Komori, M Ando, ...
Physical Review D 100 (4), 042001, 2019
Quantum sensing with milligram scale optomechanical systems
Y Michimura, K Komori
The European Physical Journal D 74, 1-14, 2020
Particle swarm optimization of the sensitivity of a cryogenic gravitational wave detector
Y Michimura, K Komori, A Nishizawa, H Takeda, K Nagano, Y Enomoto, ...
Physical Review D 97 (12), 122003, 2018
Direct approach for the fluctuation-dissipation theorem under nonequilibrium steady-state conditions
K Komori, Y Enomoto, H Takeda, Y Michimura, K Somiya, M Ando, ...
Physical Review D 97 (10), 102001, 2018
Prospects for improving the sensitivity of the cryogenic gravitational wave detector KAGRA
Y Michimura, K Komori, Y Enomoto, K Nagano, A Nishizawa, E Hirose, ...
Physical Review D 102 (2), 022008, 2020
Mirror actuation design for the interferometer control of the KAGRA gravitational wave telescope
Y Michimura, T Shimoda, T Miyamoto, A Shoda, K Okutomi, Y Fujii, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 34 (22), 225001, 2017
An arm length stabilization system for KAGRA and future gravitational-wave detectors
T Akutsu, M Ando, K Arai, Y Arai, S Araki, A Araya, N Aritomi, Y Aso, S Bae, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (3), 035004, 2020
Improvement of the target sensitivity in DECIGO by optimizing its parameters for quantum noise including the effect of diffraction loss
T Ishikawa, S Iwaguchi, Y Michimura, M Ando, R Yamada, I Watanabe, ...
Galaxies 9 (1), 14, 2021
Vibration isolation system with a compact damping system for power recycling mirrors of KAGRA
Y Akiyama, T Akutsu, M Ando, K Arai, Y Arai, S Araki, A Araya, N Aritomi, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (9), 095015, 2019
Quantum noise in a Fabry-Perot interferometer including the influence of diffraction loss of light
S Iwaguchi, T Ishikawa, M Ando, Y Michimura, K Komori, K Nagano, ...
Galaxies 9 (1), 9, 2021
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Articles 1–20