Chang Seok Han
Chang Seok Han
Kyung Hee University
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You are what you eat: diet shapes body composition, personality and behavioural stability
CS Han, NJ Dingemanse
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17 (1), 8, 2017
Male water striders attract predators to intimidate females into copulation
CS Han, PG Jablonski
Nature communications 1 (1), 52, 2010
Effect of diet on the structure of animal personality
CS Han, NJ Dingemanse
Frontiers in Zoology 12 (S1), 1-9, 2015
Long-term effect of social interactions on behavioral plasticity and lifetime mating success
CS Han, RC Brooks
The American Naturalist 183 (3), 431-444, 2014
Size-assortative mating and sexual size dimorphism are predictable from simple mechanics of mate-grasping behavior
CS Han, PG Jablonski, B Kim, F Park
BMC evolutionary biology 10 (1), 359, 2010
Female genitalia concealment promotes intimate male courtship in a water strider
CS Han, PG Jablonski
PloS one 4 (6), e5793, 2009
Intimidating courtship and sex differences in predation risk lead to sex-specific behavioural syndromes
CS Han, PG Jablonski, RC Brooks
Animal Behaviour 109, 177-185, 2015
Social experiences shape behavioral individuality and within-individual stability
HY Jäger, CS Han, NJ Dingemanse
Behavioral Ecology 30 (4), 1012-1019, 2019
Sex-dependent expression of behavioural genetic architectures and the evolution of sexual dimorphism
CS Han, NJ Dingemanse
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1864), 20171658, 2017
Individuality in nutritional preferences: a multi-level approach in field crickets
CS Han, HY Jäger, NJ Dingemanse
Scientific Reports 6, 29071, 2016
Evolution of individual variation in behaviour and behavioural plasticity under scramble competition
CS Han, RC Brooks
Animal Behaviour 86 (2), 435–442, 2013
Correlational selection does not explain the evolution of a behavioural syndrome
CS Han, RC Brooks
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (10), 2260-2270, 2013
Same-sex sexual behaviour as a by-product of reproductive strategy under male–male scramble competition
CS Han, RC Brooks
Animal Behaviour 108, 193-197, 2015
The interaction between genotype and juvenile and adult density environment in shaping multidimensional reaction norms of behaviour
CS Han, RC Brooks
Functional Ecology, 2015
Increased developmental density decreases the magnitude of indirect genetic effects expressed during agonistic interactions in an insect
CS Han, C Tuni, J Ulcik, NJ Dingemanse
Evolution 72, 2435-2448, 2018
Multiple biological mechanisms result in correlations between pre- and post-mating traits that differ among versus within individuals and genotypes
C Tuni, CS Han, NJ Dingemanse
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1885), 20180951, 2018
Protein deprivation decreases male survival and the intensity of sexual antagonism in southern field crickets Gryllus bimaculatus
CS Han, NJ Dingemanse
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (4), 839-847, 2017
Condition-dependent mutual mate preference and intersexual genetic correlations for mating activity
CS Han, RC Brooks, NJ Dingemanse
The American Naturalist, 2020
Do social partners affect same-sex sexual behaviour in male water striders?
CS Han, F Santostefano, NJ Dingemanse
Animal Behaviour 116, 53-59, 2016
Alternative reproductive tactics shape within-species variation in behavioral syndromes
CS Han, PG Jablonski
Behavioral Ecology 30 (5), 1234-1241, 2019
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