Francesco Smarra
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Cited by
Data-driven model predictive control using random forests for building energy optimization and climate control
F Smarra, A Jain, T De Rubeis, D Ambrosini, A D’Innocenzo, ...
Applied energy 226, 1252-1272, 2018
State of the art of cyber-physical systems security: An automatic control perspective
YZ Lun, A D’Innocenzo, F Smarra, I Malavolta, MD Di Benedetto
Journal of Systems and Software 149, 174-216, 2019
DR-Advisor: A data-driven demand response recommender system
M Behl, F Smarra, R Mangharam
Applied Energy 170, 30-46, 2016
Data-driven model predictive control with regression trees—an application to building energy management
A Jain, F Smarra, M Behl, R Mangharam
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2 (1), 1-21, 2018
Data-driven switching modeling for mpc using regression trees and random forests
F Smarra, GD Di Girolamo, V De Iuliis, A Jain, R Mangharam, ...
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 36, 100882, 2020
Data predictive control using regression trees and ensemble learning
A Jain, F Smarra, R Mangharam
Decision and Control (CDC), 2017 IEEE 56nd Annual Conference on, 2017
NeurOpt: Neural network based optimization for building energy management and climate control
A Jain, F Smarra, E Reticcioli, A D’Innocenzo, M Morari
Learning for Dynamics and Control, 445-454, 2020
Resilient stabilization of multi-hop control networks subject to malicious attacks
A D’Innocenzo, F Smarra, MD Di Benedetto
Automatica 71, 1-9, 2016
Data-driven switched affine modeling for model predictive control
F Smarra, A Jain, R Mangharam, A D’Innocenzo
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (16), 199-204, 2018
Data‐driven optimal predictive control of seismic induced vibrations in frame structures
GD Di Girolamo, F Smarra, V Gattulli, F Potenza, F Graziosi, ...
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 27 (4), e2514, 2020
Optimal co-design of control, scheduling and routing in multi-hop control networks
F Smarra, A D'Innocenzo, MD Di Benedetto
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1960-1965, 2012
Learning models for seismic-induced vibrations optimal control in structures via random forests
F Smarra, GDD Girolamo, V Gattulli, F Graziosi, A D’Innocenzo
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 187 (3), 855-874, 2020
Learning methods for structural damage detection via entropy‐based sensors selection
F Smarra, J Tjen, A D'Innocenzo
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32 (10), 6035-6067, 2022
A comparison of classical identification and learning-based techniques for cyber-physical systems
V De Iuliis, GD Di Girolamo, F Smarra, A D’Innocenzo
2021 29th Mediterranean conference on control and automation (MED), 179-185, 2021
An entropy-based sensor selection algorithm for structural damage detection
J Tjen, F Smarra, A D’Innocenzo
2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2020
Approximation methods for optimal network coding in a multi-hop control network with packet losses
F Smarra, A D'Innocenzo, MD Di Benedetto
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 1962-1967, 2015
Fault tolerant stabilizability of MIMO multi-hop control networks
F Smarra, A D'Innocenzo, MD Di Benedetto
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (26), 79-84, 2012
On the stability of switched arx models, with an application to learning via regression trees
V De Iuliis, F Smarra, C Manes, A D’Innocenzo
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (5), 61-66, 2021
Learning affine predictors for MPC of nonlinear systems via artificial neural networks
D Masti, F Smarra, A D’Innocenzo, A Bemporad
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 5233-5238, 2020
A novel method for daylight harvesting optimization based on lighting simulation and data-driven optimal control
T de Rubeis, N Gentile, F Smarra, A D’Innocenzo, D Ambrosini, D Paoletti
Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA 16, 1036-1043, 2020
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Articles 1–20